Are you a secret wonder woman? A beyonce in the making? A strong powerful creature who loves being herself…join the club!!

I love a strong role model…. i do love beyonce… mother theresa and YES …. SJP… but what do real woman of today stand for? Are you a Wonder Woman of 2011?

Some of my friends say I can talk for England ….. yes i do go on a bit but when I’m talking about ‘girl power’ i get a bit dramatic…. I hear about some of my friends who have had shitty boyfriends… or their date doesn’t turn up … or wait for it …  a boy calls them FAT when we all know the girl is about a size 8-10 and looks perfect. I have sort of morphed into this WONDER WOMAN inspirational speaker who tries to make sure all my lovely ladies know what they are worth!!

This post was suppose to be a bit inspirational but i might as well babble on…. here are a few tips of what i HAVE learnt over the year… from experience and my role models…

1) remember to love yourself …. and believe in YOU…. some women lack confidence in either the way they look or what they think.. Be strong… be proud and just go with the flow… even if you are wrong if you sound right people will end up believing you….
2)R-E-S-P-E-C-T- …yes ladies respect, there are many forms of respect but be true to yourself. Look after yourself and don’t rely on others.. like fergie said’ if you aint got no money take your broke ass home’ ——– this is referring to all the girls who go out of their way to go to a club and drink someone elses alcohol… if you cant afford to DIY don’t drink it!!( just saying).. and yes the other form of respect that i won’t go in to …
3)be your own ROLE MODEL…… be yourself… be nice and friendly and don’t ever become jealous of others.. if someone is doing better than you GOOD FOR THEM…. if you think big you will get there in the end…..
4)Know your true friends…… my mum always said you can count your best friends on one hand… this is very true… i have 2 of my besties moo and jam jam !!
5)love the ones that love you….. i hear so many stories about this bad guy and that bad guy… their are some nice guys out their so dont give up… and a man will only respect you if you respec yourself.. SO CHIN UP and know whats right and wrong.



ok i;ve babbled on for quite some time ladies.. more importantly the pictures that make me happy

RT if you like xxx

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