When uni takes over……

So I haven’t blogged for a while…. i literally haven’t had the time! with coursework stressed and crazy amounts of work focused on Costume jewellery my head has been up in the clouds! This is an update ladies that I will be back VERY SOON focusing on fashion and beauty… I have a youtube channel ‘skeena shaheen’ to post about make up and other bits!

Follow me on twitter @foofiefoo for updates.. i will be looking at the leopard print eye made easy… all sorts of fun make up and a few give aways! keep posted and be cool!!!

As previously posted about my obsession with wonder woman….. i got the COOLEST converses ever!!



bought them from schuh……. if you love a bit of WW i would get involved very soon!!


ALSO due to the crazy exam stress i decided to treat myself to my new favourite item in my wardrobe….

check them out!! if you love glitter.. bits and bobs and just full on sparkle you will LOVE these…


look amazing… just for some reason are not as comfortable as they look!!! my naughty purchase of the month!!


I have also been popping into MAC to keep myself sane after writing hundreds of essays and picked my self up this amazing highlighter…..


I got the one on the left.. however i have a olivey skin tone!! looks amazing ladies.. i would def invest!!




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