Foods to Boost Your Mood!


Hello Beauties….. How are you feeling today? Want something to boost your mood? Make you feel fab and gorgeous…..

Certain foods can really affect your mood, I have been researching for the past few days to find some foods that can boost your moods and also foods that you should avoid.



One of my favourite foods to eat, with a high level of potassium they will make you more alert. They are high in calming B vitamins and full of iron! Most importantly they contain tryptophan which is converted in serotonin, they calm, relax, improve your mood and make you happier. …. Go eat one now …. NOM NOM NOM




Dark Chocolate 

It has a required taste but full of antioxidants and slows the signs of ageing. Dark chocolate contains a low glycemic index which won’t have a spike in your blood sugar and cause you a sugar low. It’s full of vitamins such as potassium, iron, magnesium and copper! It contain several compounds which has a positive effect on your mood, it also contain phenylethylamine which makes your brain feel like your falling in love. So overall dark chocolate will make you feel happier….. assume in moderation obviously but use this as an alternative to milk chocolate.


Chicken and Turkey 

Try and buy non processed chicken and turkey as you will see the benefits, full of the amino acid tryptophan as I previously said this produces serotonin. It also contains another amino acid tyrosine, this is used to make the hormone adrenaline, low levels of adrenaline can  cause depression.



One of my favourite salad leads it’s full of iron and dark green leafy vegetables are more nutritional than lighter coloured greens. Contains a variety of B vitamins such as  folate, vitamins B3, B6 and B12. Low levels of B vitamin has links to depression… also eating broccoli has the same affect! YUM YUM YUM


Natural Greek Yogurt 

Greek yogurt has more calcium than milk, full of vitamin d and calcium. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to depression and calcium reduces level of stress and anxiety. Add chopped banana, blueberries and natural honey for a yummy slight snack.



Yummy…. next time you go shopping add a few of these into your basket! Don’t forget to drink lots of water and try unprocessed foods…. be careful when buying fruit or meat in packaging..the chemicals that are used to preserve the food… eat clean and be happy!

Have an amazing day… don’t forget to subscribe on youtube, follow on tumblr and love us on facebook! 

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