Inspirational Moments That Define Us

I woke up this morning feeling blah… I over think so many situations because I’m a control freak and the thought of just letting things happen sometimes terrifies me. We plan and plan and plan but who knows what can happen so we have create the dreams and visions we want in life……… Enjoy the ride you don’t know who you will meet along the way, what bumps you will have to overcome and what challenges will face you. The first thing we need to do is let all that structure that we have in our minds fade away, think outside the box, block all that negativity and figure out where you want to go and what you want to do. It’s better to have goals and a destination than setting deadlines…. don’t get me wrong deadlines are great when things get up and running but you don’t know when you will get your big break… so keep pushing those baby steps.. they will eventually lead into baby hops and skips and you will be running in no time!


I feel I never give myself enough credit… I am 24… I went to university I have a degree and only after working in the industry for a year I now know that I want to design and create my own dreams  instead of working for someone else but first I need to travel and live a little and get some inspiration. I don’t know the exact time frame,  all I know is that I want it. I am doing me and making those initial steps. We are on this planet to explore and learn and travel and absorb as much information as we can, how will we ever expand and be able to help others if you only know your own life style. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the life we have, at school we are taught about the history of the world…. have you ever considered making an impact on history? I made sound insane right now, but if your going to do it… do it big! I have so many different interests…. I love photography… I can’t wait to go back to Paris and actually look up at all the architecture and embrace the culture.


I have a lot of time to think at the moment, I don’t want to just exist and not have an impact on the world. I want to live.. even if I make loads of motivational videos and that affects a few thousand people that makes me realise that we can help each other.


We get so fixated on the celebrity culture that is portrayed to us in society…a majority of these people are as normal as us but have managed to fall into fame. As much as I love the Kardashian’s Klan because they are pretty and funny to watch I much prefer to look up to Steve Jobs… a man with a vision that managed to change and affect million and billions of people all because he had an idea and thought outside the box.


There comes a time in your life when you want to stop working and living other peoples dreams and start making steps towards your own. Why not write down all the things you want to do… it’s so scary but once you have it on paper it becomes more realistic… you can do this.


You are wonderful in your own unique way, never change or conform to fit in! I love meeting outrageous characters, I would rather stand out a million times than fade into the background. We all have gifts in life it’s just finding what they are….Remember be yourself, work hard… nourish your brain, learn new things, step outside your comfort zone and enjoy the ride!


One day soon I will be uploading my story on youtube…. so you can figure how I have managed to fall into this state of mind. Why I am so positive and the reality of my life……people always assume but never actually know! Chin up peeps… you can do it!

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