The Fitness Bug

Soooooo as you all know my brother recently got married, I came back from NYC a few weeks ago and ate copious amounts of food (lots of burgers with the boy…. nom nom nom.) Two week ago I had a look at myself and thought lets stop talking about getting fit and just do it. I joined my local gym, I normally eat quite healthy but I decided to set myself a challenge.

I will be off to LA mid October and I want to see how fit I can get if I actually exercise regularly and control what I eat. It’s not about being skinny it’s about being healthy and strong. At school I was in a majority of the sports teams but working full time and attempting to be a blogger and have a social life as well as exercising is sometimes unrealistic…. however I have managed to balance all of this. I want to bring you guys on my journey and let’s do this together. I will be releasing my first introduction fitness video next week including a few meal plans and healthy snacks. Now let me ask you … what do you want to see? I am training at the gym 3-4 times a week and I find it very therapeutic, if I get stressed I take it out on the treadmill. I run like there is no tomorrow and let all my worries flow away. I am going to focus on the following aspects, diet, fitness regime and motivation…. if you have any requests please let me know?


We are here to help each other, I am a normal girl…. I love a burger (or two) with the boy and I have a soft spot for chocolate cake and donuts. I am real and I am pretty soft around the middle at the moment. I am 24 and technically my body should be the best it can be so I am training hard to see results. I have a training session with a person trainer next week so will keep you updated with everything!


Eating well– We are what we eat, we would only give our babies the best food possible so why don’t we care this much about ourselves? If you can’t pronouce the ingrediants then it’s better to not have them. Lets keep it fresh, have at least 5 fruit and veg a day and try and turn this into a pulse or juice if you find this difficult. My main trick is high protein low carbs, fresh grilled fish such as salmon and tuna with a bed of yummy salad….. remember we are on this journey together so lets do this! Don’t forget to include and comment with your own fitness and healthy recipe ideas…. the more the merrier!


Juicing– I juice 3-4 times a week if I have time and it’s better to juice green vegetables as they have less sugar and contain more nutirents. My super food at the moment is spinach, I juice a bag of spinach every two days, you can get a big bag for a £1 at the local super markets. I like to steam kale and have some grilled lean turkey. I will also be eating normal food but reducing refined carboyhydrates.


I cut out white bread years ago and only eat granary or something super seeded. Always go for the wholegrain option and try and eat fresh foods. Today I had a few biscuits but ran an extra 10 minutes to feel the burn. My main area to work on is core strength, over the last two weeks I have been interval training on the treadmill and the cross trainer and doing some leg work and squats just to build up my strength, with juicing and reducing bad food I have managed to loose 3lbs.


For me it’s not about reaching a goal weight it’s about toning and feeling comfortable. Since I have reduced my wheat intake I feel so much better, in fact lighter! I haven’t cut out sweets and chocolate but I watch exactly what I eat… I will be uploading a few healthy meal plans.

Please remember that if you are overweight and you are looking to change your diet, please consult your doctor first. I am trying to get fit over the next 8 weeks, I will not be going on any faddy diet but eating healthier, exercising and trying to get stronger. I am doing this for myself to see the changes, please come and join me on my journey.

Have an amazing day and keep posted… don’t forget to check me out on Instagram @iwantyourstyle and youtube! 

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