Love Make up?… Beauty tip of the Day

Ladies if you LOVE makeup & feel like an investment in your make- up bag check out Armani’s Primer.


Giorgio Armani’s Fluid Master make–up primer has been developed to visibly smooth the skin’s surface, refining pores and creating a flawless canvas on which to apply foundation. Containing Micro–fil™ pearls which change colour depending on light conditions, it leaves skin looking fresh and vibrant.


Benefits of a Primer

Helps make up stay on for longer

Helps create a silky smooth base for your foundation

Keeps skin hydrated and looking flawless


When to you use a Primer

Apply on a fresh face before your foundation

Use a light moisturiser before hand and wait 5-10 mins


See the difference

Honestly I have been using this product for over a year and it has changed the way my make up looks. 

Armani make up is currently available in Selfridges and the primer will be an investment of £30



Ask the counter for a tester 

Amazing results 

