Get Involved With My Health Plan

So I have been focusing on this health plan and over the past three weeks I have been to the gym 3-4 times a week! I measured myself before I started this and have managed to loose 5 lbs, half an inch off my arms, waist, hips and inner thigh! I am really happy but it’s about toning and being healthy. I am conscious of what I am putting in my body and trying to tone my stomach!


Over the weekend I had a ‘cheat’ day or two! My sister in law treated me to some yummy pizza, I indulged in some chocolate cake and a few other nibbles but I worked out extra long yesterday because I want to keep things balanced.


I have switched to Rye bread because it’s healthier and top it with scrambled eggs for breakfast with a portion of greek yogurt fruit and nuts! Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it kick starts your metabolism so if you think skipping breakfast is good for you…. don’t be so silly and get that morning grub down you!

I am a real woman, I could never cut out carbs completely but remember that a majority of weight loss is 80% diet the rest exercise. Remember portion size, you can be eating healthy food but easily can over eat, eat slowly and chew your food ( I sound so patronising but you will learn to enjoy it so much more!)


So the whole point of this is  that I want to know what you guys are eating… if you have instagram follow me on @iwantyourstyle and use my new hashtag that I created today #iwantyourstylehealth 

Lets get fit and healthy together… share meal plans and yummy ideas! NOM NOM NOM!

Keep your eyes peeled on my youtube as I will have my of my fitness plan and journey over the next few weeks!

Don’t forget to check out facebooktumblryoutubeInstagram and twitter! 

