L.A. Monochrome

What a beautiful view… there is so much to do and see in L.A I don’t know where to start. This week I have been shown around Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and a few other areas….. over the next week I need to become super organised Skeena and plan the next week! I want to show a few of my outfits off… so we came to the top of the Hollywood Hills to get the best shots! DSC08450


Remember it’s not what you wear it’s how you wear it….. my style changes due to my mood and I don’t like to follow trends but rather introduce them into my style! My wardrobe is my canvas and I will be painting it however I like…. don’t be a sheep and always add your own twist to the current styles and trends on the highstreet! I went for a laid back all black leather look.



My necklace is from Innaya Couture… check them out on instagram they have some amazing pieces and their jewellery is so intricate and beautiful…. one of my favourite brands! DSC08490



My tee is from Forever 21 and my little pleated skirt is from Primark! My cute sunglasses are from Warehouse… they do great accessories and clothes!



I am loving my time in L.A at the moment …. I feel very relaxed which is rare… normally my brain is calculating what I need to do over the next week because I am so busy! Trying to live the relaxed LA lifestyle is pretty interesting…. I will be uploading new bits over the next few days and keep your eyes peeled!

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So LA is amazing……

I have been to many different cities in my life and I am use to the buzz of London and NYC… LA is so chilled and relaxed… the fashion is very laid back and the people are happy and taking each day as it comes! I feel like this is where the ‘American Dream’ actually becomes a reality for a majority of people!

As a fashionista my love is based on the big capital cities like Paris… Milan…. NYC etc…. but this place is ‘downtime’ for me to get some inspiration and get my zen back on point!

 I arrived on Tuesday with a bang… I tried to trick my body into thinking it wasn’t jet lagged and crashed out that evening and missed out on Pizza. I am staying in Beverly Hills and what can I say … it’s luxury beyond belief and so beautiful! i am very grateful to be here and a happy bunny! DSC08417

I love the weather and apparently it’s not even warm… in the new year I want to go travelling and the majority of stops will be warm places! I think stop number one will have to be Dubai to get a tan and then I might pop back here…..  I want to explore the street art around the city and be a complete tourist and go straight to Hollywood! Maybe I am a snob but I feel that Europeans have the best dress sense (not that I am bias or anything…. he he )…. but LA is bringing me luxury and I am hopefully bringing them some sort of style! DSC08393

I am attempting to vlog some of my time here… l have to admit I am eating everything and after this post I will be popping to the gym to burn everything that I ate. Yesterday I had IN N OUT burgers…. oh my goodness they were so good and there is a secret menu? I had animal chips which is chips with cheese and this secret sauce! Last night we went to Maestro which is this super cool Steak Place… and as the little celebrity spotter that I am…… we were sitting next to Queen Latifya and Toni Braxton…. so random but pretty cool! DSC08395

The boy took me around LA …. we popped into LACMA which was amazing….IMG_1908

We went to the top of the Hollywood Hills to take some pictures of my outfit… this will be on the next post!DSC08455

For breakfast I had silver dollar pancakes…. with super berries! NOM NOM NOM!IMG_1898



We had IN N OUT burger…. I have to say it was possibly the best burger I have had….IMG_1918

DSC08447 I will be posting lost of photos over the next few days and attempting to VLOG which will be up when I am back! … Check out my instagram for daily updates!

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