Blue Jasmine

I have only seen one Woody Allen film and the boy is a bit of a film buff so he decided to take me to watch Blue Jasmine. I had never even seen a trailer for the film so I have no idea what it was about so I just thought lets sit back, relax and enjoy the movie! American cinema’s are so much bigger than UK cinemas (I get excited about the smallest things, even the coke bottles are bigger and they serve pizza and chips ??)


I have never reviewed a film before or cared to mention one on my blog because it never really affected me, this film made me feel so many emotions I didn’t know wether to cry, scream, laugh or shout! This lady was living the dream, throwing dinner parties in the Upper East Side with her wealthy big shot husband and their step son, some people would say she was living the dream but was she ever really happy? Sometimes we feel the need to paint a ‘perfect’ life to others and people always think that the grass is greener on the other side. I like to keep my life simple, keep close to the ones I love and enjoy the simple things in life.  I love fashion and all the materialistic rubbish but it doesn’t define me and if you think or have a perception that my life is ‘perfect’ it’s not! I take each day as it comes, I laugh, cry, scream, shout and in one day could easily have all those emotions under the sun! I wear my heart on my sleeve and over the last year decided to put myself first instead of others….. The point I was trying to make was there is no need to try and keep up with the Joneses just do you and don’t try to impress others!


Jasmine was adopted and her sister who was also adopted came to visit, her name was Ginger and I took a great liking to this name during the film. So Ginger visited NYC with her working class husband, he was a bit rough around the edges but seemed happy to have her and appreciated her for her cooky laugh and bubbly personality. The problem with Jasmine was that she was so wrapped up in her lifestyle she didn’t even appreciate her sister, she thought she was above them because she has money. Dressed in her preppy  pastel two piece with her pearl earrings and her ‘well spoken’ yet put on accent to sound like she was  born into money to fit into the socialite society. She was so wrapped up in her own image of what her life should be she was only existing, while her husband was having multiple affairs. Having fallen in ‘love’ before graduating she was whisked away by her big shot boyfriend forgetting herself and making a life for them.


First rule: Always always always focus on yourself and keep your own thing going on even when married. Make sure you can achieve the highest level of education and push yourself. I always want to be able to look after myself no matter what and be part of a power couple not just marry into money.  I think ambition is so attractive and being a team and trusting each other is so important. Being impressed by money isn’t a good thing, money gives you opportunities but your love shouldn’t depend on it! 


To cut the story short Jasmine finds out her husband has been having multiple affairs, her sister Ginger first notices it and he denies it when she asked him! jasmine eventually finds out that her husband is having an affair with someone half her age and they are in ‘love’ and he wants a divorce, out of anger she rings the FBI as his money and businesses are not legit. Her husband ends up killing himself in jail, she looses everything and even her step son. Jasmine now becomes a boarder line alcoholic and can’t afford her apartment in Brooklyn so begs the family card with her tail between her legs to Ginger. Ginger lets her in with open arms, Jasmine then starts to criticise the men she dates and gets in with another socialite crowd and manages to bag herself a new rich man. The sad thing is at this point Jasmine is so lost, has lied to so many people even the new man she loves her past creeps up on her. (I don’t want to spoil everything so watch it and let me know what you think!)


The Moral of the Story

1) The moral of the whole post is firstly go an see this movie, secondly never try and be someone you are not.

2)Don’t look down on others.

3)Just be yourself and never try and impress people.

4)Be down to earth and enjoy the small things in life.

5) Money/ social status doesn’t make you a better person.

6) Do good and you will get good back!

7) Don’t take people for granted!

8) Don’t put your whole life into a man

9) Be your partners best-friend, lover, homie, everything to that person that you could sit in an empty house and still enoy each others company!

10) Don’t forget who you are!

11) Educate yourself as knowledge is power and education is something that can never be taken away from you!

12) Don’t loose sight of yourself and know who your friends are and appreciate your family!

13) Spread love and don’t make irrational decisions when you are angry!

14) Smile, breathe, love and enjoy a simple life!

15) Never loose sight of your own dreams!

16) A relationship is based on trust and respect, if they are lost then learn to let some things go!

17) Do things that make you a better person and surround yourself with things that make you happy!

18) The most important ‘things’ in life are not ‘things’……


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