Playing It Safe…. My Week In Pictures

When I was younger I had such a fluffy outlook on life and I remember my nan saying to me that school would be the best time of my life as I get to learn, have no worries about life and just have fun. This has stuck with me for years, now looking back at it school was so fluffy and easy and I thought at this age I would have it all figured out. When my mother was 24 she had already met my father, she was engaged and in the process of planning her wedding. Oh how times have changed, I think as women we don’t just want to get married ( don’t get me wrong.. I can’t wait) but we also want to be more than just a wife… well I do anyway. I think nowadays the concept of life and marriage and the women’s role in society has changed so much. I know that I want to excel and learn so many things before I get married and I want to travel around the world, find out why I am here and absorb as much information as I possibly can.


I stopped playing it safe, I am taking risks and crushing all the structures and platforms I have previously created and stripping it down to me and my blog. I am currently on my fitness journey, this time next year I could be in China, India… I’m not even sure but I have realised that by working in a head office and counting down the hours for my day to finish so I can blog/film and have some Skeena time is not the way I should be living. I want to explore…. it’s a very weird feeling guys and I can’t explain it but I think I am over the saturated work life 9-5 hustle and bustle …….. who am I? What do I want to learn in this world? …..


How safe are you playing it? That’s the question we need to be asking ourselves guys…. live your life… do all the things you want to do and enjoy it ! I want to learn how to cook pasta from an old italian woman who can’t speak a word of english…. go fishing in the caribbean….wake up and cleanse my soul and body with a month of yoga on the beach…….go to every fashion week as a photographer…… ride on an elephant in India…. there are so so so so so many different random things I want to do…. What do you want to do?


This week I uploaded a new hair tutorial with hair extensions, check out the video below!

My Week In Pictures 





(These super cute pumps from Topshop)


My beautiful bracelet from @innayacouture … check them out on instagram! 


More beautiful jewellery from Innaya Couture….IMG_0273


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