L.A. …. you got me!

I don’t even know where to begin… I have fallen in love with this city…. it’s warm the sun is always shining and palm trees everywhere! Luxury beyond belief and Americans are so friendly! It’s so sad but when I hear an english accent I get a little excited (how sad.) I have been so busy and have done so many things… I have eaten at so many different places… hardly had time to go to the gym and just exploring with my camera. I am trying to absorb LA in a short period of time so I think I will have to C come back and do all the things I want without feeling rushed. DSC08604


I went to Melrose to check out a few of the shops and found quite a few random vintage boutiques. I could literally spend a day driving around taking pictures of street art. If you know any cool places for street art in LA leave me a message and I will check it out!






I love how everyone in this town is trying to hustle for their own career…. in London I am surrounded by the run of the mill jobs… in LA people are trying to explore their dreams …. it’s very refreshing. I think living in LA could improve my health… great sunshine….. no stress and enjoying life as it comes! DSC08572



I saw this sign on a park bench and had to stop and take a picture…. in London I feel like everything is a rush… I have to go to work… I get an hour lunch break… it’s raining… I have to do this this and this.. the trains are late… I want to live my life not just exist you know!!! Stop thinking about time and take control and do what you want to do. Life is so short… i hope whatever you do you are happy and making the most out of your life! Enjoy yourself, be happy, try new things…… stop caring what others think and DO YOU!!!!! DSC08617




I think I have to give it up to LA and their street art….. geez… whoever made this hifive!



So I went to Runyon after shopping…. it was so much harder than I expected. I am a gym bunny…. I normally do interval training on the treadmill but going up hill was a killer! It was such a beautiful view and it was so hot…. in LA everyone is working out…. everyone is health conscious and I think it’s much easier to live and lead a healthier lifestyle when everyone around you is on the same vibe.

photo-29Keep updated on the blog….. I will have new bits on youtube and instagram over the next few days! I am in love with you LA!

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