Selling your soul for style??

I love fashion and some of the finer things in life… but are we addicted to shopping and selling our soul for style??? If it looks nice i normally can’t help myself and buy it… but who am i kidding… I’m obsessed? 

I most probably shop more than I give to charity….. or even pray which is terrible… I think a lot of us are so involved in ‘ourselves’ that we forgot how privileged we actually are…. uploading meaningless photos on Facebook and tagging ourselves in stupid albums to we are perceived in a certain way…. GET A GRIP AND STOP BEING SO SELF OBSESSED… (I’m a victim of this as well)

We aspire to look a certain way… ( some people take it to extremes with bad fake tan)… add hair extensions…. slap our faces with make up… all for what? so we come across as a ‘nicer’ person or we are ‘prettier’ than the girl next door… whatever… WAKE UP…. THIS IS NOT LIFE…

… they look like ump a lumpasss…..

Life is not about how pretty we are … how lovely our extensions look… how skinny we are… how most of us are dying on this dukan diet for the 2 weeks holiday that isn’t worth it… We diet… we scrutanise … pick ourselves apart to look like the women on the magazines…. honestly the average uk women is a size 14… the majority of women on magazines have stylists, make up artists…. personal trainers… all of this to look a certain way..

… nice hair extensions.. eek!!… 

When at the end of the day if you aren’t nice.. who cares?? looking a certain way can get you into the latest ‘club’ or get the hot guy to notice you but stop BEING SO DAMN SHALLOW and stop thinking about yourself…

love, happiness, honesty, trust…. thats what we need to promote and inner beauty….

I am going to be completely honest… i love make up, clothes , fashion and having  a certain lifestyle but it all means nothing is the people you love aren’t there to share it with you….

would you rather be on a luxury holiday with all your designer clothes alone … or you have a great holiday with family and friends and a nice destination but memories to keep forever!!

The media is full of bull of who is Kim k dating today ( yes i do read this… as i said i am already a victim)…. what size is some random from TOWIE or what is Kate Middleton wearing…. 

Last week i bought 4 fashion mags…. and 90% were adverts or rules and tips on ‘how I can look better’ …. ‘5 ways to improve your sex life’…. ‘ if you eat these foods you will become skinny’… we wonder why our teenagers are self obsessed and lack morals and a majority of them an odd ‘tango orange’ colour…. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR SOCIETY…

We are aspiring to be air heads….. also hair extensions…. please…. ‘You want natural looking curls without the frizz…. firstly … that is not your hair… secondly you need someone to professionally blow dry your hair to even get those results… we are already setting ourselves up to fail…. We buy into these gimics and some of us take it to the extreme….

the whole point of this is ..yes love fashion and styles but don’t let it define you unless you are a designer.. and even then… give back… It actually makes me sick that either everyone has a blackberry, galaxy or iPhone.. yes there are still people begging on the streets….. droughts all over the world and starving children ….. SERIOUSLY

We are so obsessed with our own lives and wrapped up and you forget…. when you are on the train… when does anyone get up and give you  seat…. this annoys me the most… pregnant women wear a badge ‘ baby on board’ and the only people that I have seen offer their seat are women….

WHAT HAPPENED TO MANNERS….anyway again i am going off point… next week you will see uploaded posts of ‘the top ten nail varnishes’…. ‘5 best beauty secrets” because we are a image obsessed society…..

Remember if you had any emotions towards this post.. hopefully positive please re-post/retweet… more importantly tell the people you care about you love them… call you nan… say hi to your neighbour… make time for people… we don’t know whats going to happen tomorrow?? Sounds a bit depressing but BE HAPPY… LIVE…. LAUGH… BE HAPPY AND SMILE!!!!!!!!!