Prince Charming… does he even exist??

I think disney personally set us up to fail…. as little girls we were told by our friends and family that when the boy pushed you in the sand box that he really liked you…. however I disagree… If a boy pushed me at the age of 23 … i would take it as he doesn’t like me… my point is we were fed all this rubbish .. even now when we are having our girly conversations … no one really knows what men think…


I really believe men are from mars and women are from venus…. is it that hard to understand that if you upset a woman and you ask her if she is ok … and if her reply is ‘uh huh’ it normally translates into … no i am not OK i am annoyed …. however a man will take it literally and go .. o ok i Did ask…..


Like when a women goes quite… similar situation… men might wonder …. however when they ask they might get a similar response….. ALL THE MEN OUT THERE… this then translates too.. I’m so pissed off at you i don’t want to talk to you…. !!

I recently watched he’s just not that into you and i think that when girls have a gossip, they gossip with other girls but they aren’t getting the mans perspective.. so there needs to be some kind of translator between men and women …

Are we really the more emotional beings?? I am not going to lie but i am full of emotion… i can watch a romantic movie and feel that fuzzy warm feeling.. someone can die in a film i will shed a tear…. but the majority of men I know are not affected… is this because we are portrayed as being the weaker gender.??/

When in fact we are stronger… women give birth (can’t comment from experience but my mum said its a memory you never forget)… women have periods which kill… women raise children… they do it all.. they are expected to multi task … be amazing, be a super woman! just reflect about how many things your mum does compared to your dad?? i know not every family is like this but most of them that I have met are!! women care, they are the rocks of all families …. i think we deserve a lot more credit and yes WE DO NEED A WOMAN president.. and I don’t even live in the UK!!

Back to prince charming….i think from all the fairy tales …. the movies.. the girly gossip we are all secretly looking for that guy… that treats you right.. listens to you … cares for you…adores you and you only… and then I reflect and look back to my parents.. love back then and relationships had such a different meaning..

It was shameful to have a child without being married… I’m all for single mums but maybe if that was bought back the society would change? we wouldn’t have jeremy kyle ‘ I’m dating my sisters, cousins aunty and i’ve got her twin pregnant and I don’t have a job.’… seriously i think we should bring back some of those views….. and when my mum tells me how my parents met and how much he chased after her and loved her…. it hit home.. are the majority of men just douche bags that are left in society… i am a strong believer that if a man treats his mother well he will most probably treat you well…… ( in most cases.. we hope)

My mum told me something moving yesterday… well it moved me… she was 2 and a half hours late on her way to have a date with my father….. i didn’t exist at this point… she was around 25/26 around my age…. mobile phones didn’t exist… and most guys would go left… after arriving so late when she got there he was still there….. ( teary) … see that what its about!!!

We hear about finishing schools for girls… which i do believe all ‘ladettes’ should inquire about but what about finishing school for men….or teenage boys… honestly it would make the world a better place!!

I know there will always be good and bad every were we go but when you find someone that is so unique and different hold onto them… appreciate them and adore them! ALSO respect yourself ladies… in every sense… you deserve the best… but then arrogance is unattractive…

anyway i am rambling on …. having a mothers moment… but yes … i though i would share this with the world of visitors to my blog…

and the question still remains… does prince charming exist?… kate middleton found hers… literally …

What is Love?…

What is love? what a crazy question to even ask …


After everything that I have learnt so far in my life; love is everything, love is the most powerful feeling in the world and can make you the happiest person but can also destroy you…


They say too much of anything is bad for you? Do you think this affect the concept of love?

What is love to you? … I think you never really appreciate anything until its gone…

is there such thing as ‘love as first sight’…does love even exist??


I believe everyone should have the privilege to be loved and to love…. love from their family, to their other half, that crazy love that makes you feel as high as a kite, give you butterflies….

They say love can last a lifetime, I will never stop loving some people in my life like my dad..

Remember life is too short to be too proud, to hold grudges and not to appreciate the ones you love… 

If you could go back in time and tell someone that you love them who would it be?


Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives we forget the most important people around us, This post will hopefully make you think and appreciate the ones around you…

If i could go back in time I would play an endless track and dance with my father..

Don’t forget to tell that person you love them, mum, dad, brother, sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, whoever they are…

let them know how much you love them …

True love is rare… when you find that person hold on to them and never let go… and when you meet the person you will know

Respect yourself, you know your self worth and never let anyone put you down, everyone deserves a happy loving relationship…..

Love is a gift, not an obligation

Some people don’t see love as a priority or can’t see whats in front of them because their world is going too fast…. slow down…. appreciate what you have before its gone…


I love you so much, you know who you are x