Make Up For This Season

As sad as it is the English Summer which consisted of (5 days) is nearly over... the sales are on and the new Seasons bits are already in store... 
The Make up trends are strong dark lips, white, eyeliner flicks, fresh faced & glossy skin, blue lashes, liquid gold, smokey green eyes

Dark Berry Lips
This look works really well if you keep your eye makeup minimal, go for a berry lip or rouge. Keep your blush soft, this look also looks great if you contour your face just under your cheek bones. 
The new trend is the incorporating white into your make up... your a white eyeshadow to brighten up your make up. 
Dramatic Eyeliner
Worn well, a dramatic eyeliner flick can make your whole outfit look extremely fashionable. Try  l'oreal dramatic eyeliner  or the collection 2000 liquid eyeliner. 
Try eye rock dramatic eyeliners for a quick and easy affect. 
Blue mascara
Lightly apply a fine coat of blue mascara on top of your black mascara to make your eyes appear whiter.
For a more dramatic look just use blue mascara, keep the rest of your makeup fresh, nude and natural.
Liquid Gold
My favourite trend by far.... this is dramatic, wow and will get heads to turn. Again keep the rest of your makeup pretty natural. Add eyeliner for a more heavy evening look. Don't rub in, just lightly press one and layer ... add green for a smokey look in the crease.
Smokey Green Eyes
The new smokey eye is seductive, more adventurous than the standard black/brown! Incorporate with a dark bronze and a deep shimmery green! 
Remember ladies.. try one look at a time and if your have dramatic lips keep the eyes calm or vice versa! Choose one and tweet me your pics @foofiefoo!

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