Ciate Caviar Manicure



Selfridges have revamped their beauty department and have created an AMAZING destination area…. this includes some of my favourite high street make up brands including Topshop Make up, Paul & Joe Make up and the Hersheson Blow Dry bar and The Paint Shop.


The Paint Shop is my favourite place to be at the moment, I have been twice since it has opened… Nails Inc do express manicures for £19 and their speciality is the two week manicure!


 I decided to test out the Ciate Caviar Manicure, you can either buy the kit for £18 or have the manicure for £19. I decided to just get the manicure encase I didn’t like it.

I was firstly told it would last a week but was incorrectly informed. The Ciate manicure only lasts between 24-48 hours!




I would defiantly book an appointment at the nails inc Paint Shop, they also do walk in appointments if you want to take a chance. 





Nails Inc now have a new Bling it On manicure,it lasts for over a week! It looks amazing and if you look at the lady putting on the caviar beads you can have a quick peek!



The Paint Shop has other nail varnishes like Bourjois, Butter, Models Own and many more.




Have you had a caviar Manicure? What do you think?



I love the manicure and it looks amazing but it chips so easily. They don’t recommend putting a clear top coat on but I decided too and the manicure has lasted for 4 days so far.

It feels extremely weird to have bumps on your nails and three nails so far have chipped!

I think for an occasion this would look amazing but it doesn’t last very long. I would recommend watching a youtube video of how to do this if you are attempting this yourself. Remember to do a base coat first, then apply your second coat of nail varnish, who the paint is wet pour the bead over and them gently push the beads in to secure the manicure!

Ciate also have a velvet manicure coming out soon! I will keep you posted!


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2 thoughts on “Ciate Caviar Manicure

  1. I’m loving this look, its amazing, but surely something like a shellac clear gel over the top would seal it better and give it a much longer shelf life. Let’s face it, when something looks that good, u want it to last! XxX

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