Katie Eary…. Shamazingggg

I am a big fan of up and coming designers and I think Katie Eary just keeps getting better and better. Katie first popped on the scene in 2010, her obsession with animal print is still dominant in her prints! Check out her next season collection and let me know what you think? Do you love it? Hate it? Need it right now? I personally love it!!

Katie has created these shaaaaamazing prints that make me want to jump up and down, grab some high waisted disco pants….. grab one of her t-shirts…..put my hair up in a sleek model-esh bun, dark lipstick… heels and WHAM … I am ready to strut my stuff!

FISHES, ELECTRIC BLUES, OCTOPUS …. SEA…. (check it out check it out)

What do you think? I am IN LOVE!! This has inspired me to wear double print and I think for SS13 I will be purchasing one of her swimsuits!

Check out her latest collection here and don’t forget to Love us on Facebook!  

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