January Look Book Part 1

Hello Ladies … (and gents if you are watching or reading this blog)! I have finally had some time to create a quick little sneak peak into this months wardrobe! I firstly have to admit that I have a thing for flowy shirts, I love an outrageous pattern and love a good skinny jean! Recently I invested in some of the best skinnies I have got my hands on for years… and surprisingly they were not even that expensive! If you want a decent skinny jean get the super soft skinny from warehouse! They are soft, extremely skinny and look amazing one!

In regards to the obsession with flowly print shirts… I have a whole level in my wardrobe just for my shirts, I get them from everywhere… Primark, ASOS, H&M, Warehouse, Topshop.. whatever tiggles my fancy!

The new collection from Zara this season is making me contemplate of breaking into my savings and investing in some new pieces!

I love a great heel and in doubt I will rock my leather jacket and heels…. this season I want to mix it up with more double prints… more funky colours and some crazy skirts! I continually admit to myself that I have no clothes…. even though a majority of my wardrobe still is unworn… I still need that buzz from the newness! I am a self confessed fashion addict, as I am getting older I feel the need to invest in my clothes and steer away from FAD trends!


I can’t wait to get paid and hit the shops, there are quite a few new bits that I want to invest in this season…. more blazers, new skinnies, statement heels and some new dresses!




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