Beauty Review: Tresemme Deep Smoothing Masque

I have long hair…. I have dyed it a variety of different colours….. I bleached part of my hair pink and purple which eventually turned blonde and green (don’t ask….. I kind of liked it!)

I curl my hair with my straighteners and it would be silly if I try to say that my hair is ‘healthy’. I use moroccan hair oil, dry shampoo and a variety of other concoctions and potions to style my hair …. the sad truth is that my locks are sometimes pretty damaged and dry and if they had a voice they would most probably scream every time I straighten them!

(my natural hair)


I condition my hair every time I wash it …. I assume the majority of you do too but sometimes you need a little bit of OOMP and the OOMP is a decent hair masque or as I would like to say some ‘hair food.’

I rummaged through my beauty draw today and found this little packet hiding…. I just washed my hair and used the deep smoothing masque and have to say that my hair does feel softer and more luscious!


It says to leave it in for 5 minutes but I left it in for 10, I am not actually sure if that had any affect but it made me feel better! While my hair was wet I decided to use the tangle teeser in the shower to get rid of all the knots!

I would personally recommend using a hair masque once or twice a week if you can, they are always doing some sort of offer at Boots and Superdrug so next time you go in grab yourself a pack. I always use Tresemme shampoo and that’s normally because my mum buys it in bulk….

My hair is naturally curly…. but it needs a little bit of help so I have to put moose in my hair for the curls to stay! If I let me hair dry naturally it will end up like some sort of bush. After using the masque my hair is a lot silker, softer and easier to brush through!


A deep smoothing masque specially formulated with vitamin H & almond oil to calm frizz & tame unruly hair.

  • Intensely moisturizing to calm frizz and tame unruly hair
  • Leaves hair touchably soft and salon-smooth & silky


Sometimes you read the label and you think… really? Is this actually going to work or do they just have a great marketing team… however on this product I really like the outcome. It was a quick treatment, my hair feels a lot softer, it isn’t as frizzy and looks more luscious.

I applied the majority of the mask on the mid-ends of my hair as I feel this is the area that needs the most hydration and de-frizzing -The rule of thumb when putting on condition is the eyes down,  so you can apply condition to your hair below your eyes.

The masque has also left my hair smelling fresh like I have just come from the salon, I think this is defiantly a bargain and a product worth while trying as its only £1.09 from Superdrug.

Tresemme have a variety of different hair masques, check them out here for more information. 

I would rate this product 6.5/10 stars, I think its a great mask and the price is one of the best assets. I still feel that my hair could do with something more intense… I will keep trying and testing and blogging the latest hair care recovery products I can find… might even try a moroccan hair care pack…


What hair treatments have you used? 


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2 thoughts on “Beauty Review: Tresemme Deep Smoothing Masque

  1. Hello
    I am from France,and I used to use the René Furterer products for my hair. It is a natural composition. I made an ombré hair 3 months ago, and thanks to René, my hair look better.
    I will buy Tresemmé product during my next trop in London (it is not available in france) !
    Your hair looks great, mine is really straight :/
    PS : Forgive my language faults 🙂
    Have a nice evening xoxo

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