Goodbye Florida….

What an amazing two weeks… I went to the NYC for the first week and then ventured to Orlando Florida! I feel like I should invest in another holiday to get over the amount of fun I have just had. I have eaten copious amounts of healthy food, NYC chocolate pudding and cheesecake…. devoured about 10 burgers (shared with the cousin)…. had a microdermabrasion… randomly met Busta Rhymes and spent the majority of Orlando in parks and getting burnt! I have two amazing new youtube videos coming up in the next few weeks with my cousin which will be interesting… so you can get to know me a little bit more and have a great video on relationships!

I am contemplating moving to the USA for 6-12 months in the next year to explore what’s going on across the pond and you only live once so I might as well! While I was in NYC I couldn’t get enough of the foods, nightlife and fashion in Williamsburg!



After testing out sun in at the ends of my hair we verfied that it actually works…. after checking the ingredients it contains a substantial amount of bleach and I won’t be using this on the regular! For a nice summer holiday sun kissed look it’s great but be careful on the amount you choose to you! IMG_2847

Last lunch at the hotel…unbuttoned the jeans and taken off the rings! Sometimes you have to just indulge in great food and forget about the sunburn!

This random picture was taken ‘pre filming’ in the hotel room, the new video will be up sometime this week with my cousin! Hopefully it will make you laugh as we had such a great time answering all the questions! IMG_2712


During the week we visited Disney Land and Epcot, both were interesting and my inner child came out! What an amazing time, next time we go to Florida we are planning to go to visit the Universal Studios! There is nothing better than enjoying time with your family in the sun and having great food!

I have been spoilt and now back to London… I have missed the fashionistas!

Don’t forget to check out facebook, tumblr, youtube and if you have instagram its iwantyourstyle! 

Have a fab day


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