Find your inner Zen!

Finally it’s the weekend and if you aren’t working it’s time to invest in you and enjoy yourself (can I get a woop woop!) Living in London and riding the tube daily I see the hustle and bustle of life, it’s sunny and medico warm  outside so do something different today and enjoy your weekend! I will be organising my little world and spending time with family and friends and of course most importantly having some much deserved  ‘Skeena pampering’ time!

Sometimes we are so busy we forget to look after ourselves, go treat yourself this weekend  and buy yourself some flowers, get your nails done.. whatever it is that makes you happy…. bake… have a dinner party.. whatever floats your boat just take it easy! I am recovering from the manic two weeks of wedding prep! This morning I decided to buy myself some pretty flowers because they make happy.. why not…. don’t wait for someone else to buy you flowers, treat yourself to the things you love in life!


Recently I bumped into a few negative people that tried to rain on my parade! I saw this quote and got goosebumps and decided to let go of that particular situation and refocus on what’s important to me. We  need to live, learn and reflect on most situations but sometimes when you know that some people are not worth your time and energy you have to let go! Forget all the so called ‘friends’ who try to bring you down, pump up some music and dance it all out!


I will be filming a motivational video today so keep your eyes peeled on youtube over the next few days. I have realised that it is so important to place yourself around people that have the same outlook in life with you.

You don’t want pesamistic people that question every action you do, you want someone who thinks as outrageously as you do and continues to push towards your dream. Negativity has such a big affect on your aura, this is what I personally believe anyway! Don’t forget to dream, believe and achieve. Eat clean and look after yourself.


Find your inner zen and be happy with yourself. Meditation is something I have started to look into and I am really interested in… I think I will be posting a few videos on how to find your inner zen and refresh your aura.

Have an amazing day and don’t forget to dream… believe and achieve ladies! Don’t forget to check out tumblr, instagram, facebook, twitter and youtube! 


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