A woman’s handbag… or the kitchen sink?

They say that it’s rude to open a women’s bag, this is because men will realise that we actually carry the entire kitchen sink but we cleverly  disguise it in a small fashionable bag! Over the years I have carried everything from antiseptic wipes, henna cones, hair dye, hot sauce and even a dummy (I don’t have children). So the question still remains what is in your bag? Is it weird and wonderful or practical and organised? I am a fan of putting everything I could possibly need for that my life adventures in one little bag, if someone attempted to steal my hand bag they could last a week off the goods inside, I have water, goji berries, jewellery, chocolate.. and more chocolate… plasters.. antiseptic gel spray…. gum….. socks…. perfume….oh and the wallet!

You can tell a lot about a woman from the contents inside her handbag, my handbag would be saying ‘please organise the mess’ and questioning why I have so much jewellery and a large selection of half stamped Nando’s cards?

Find out what’s in my handbag with my new youtube video …. 


I recently invested in a new perspex clutch and realised that every time I use this bag people can see ‘me’, so I had to downsize and have a bag within a bag! If you are a woman you will defiantly have a bag within a bag, maybe even carry one of those life bags? The new perspex clutch basically exposes my deepest darkest secrets so it is only used on special occasions!





Have an amazing day and don’t forget to subscribe on youtube, love us on Facebook and tumblr!

Wear your prettiest accessory … your smile!