Chanel Pop Up Store

Chanel Opened it’s first Pop Up store in July in Covent Garden. If you love beauty products and Chanel is your thing you must go as it’s open for only 6 months. 

This small cute concept store is packed with goodies for every shade, popping nail colours and vibrant lip colours. I would recommend booking a 30 minute manicure or an hour make up lessons but book in advance to avoid disappointment. 

I booked a 30 minute manicure for £20 which was redeemable on purchase. 

So Friday at 3.30 I arrived in Covent Garden… excited  for a Chanel Manicure. I have had manicures at Nails Inc, spa’s and many random nail bars so my expectation were pretty high.

The lovely lady greeted me, I have a quick snoop around the store and was in AWE of Chanel Beauty land… everything looked so clean cut, the lighting was fun. The products were displayed immaculately and everything has such a luxury feeling. 

So I walked downstairs were the nail bar and exclusive Chanel Fragrances were displayed. 

The three colours on the tray were new exclusive colours that had not yet been released. The manicurist shaped my nails and discussed what colours I could go for…. after a quick delay I went for the grey nude shade called ‘Love Frenzy.’

After a 30 minute chat about beauty, boys and bags we went upstairs so I could spend my voucher. I loved this colour and debated between a lipstick and a nail polish. 

After an hour in the Chanel Store I left with a Rouge Chanel Shine deep maroon Lipstick.

I have already booked in my 1 hour make up lessons. I would defiantly recommend this ladies, its a quick beauty fix, you are pampered and enjoy the luxury beauty products.