KIKO – Make Up Milano …. (mini haul)

I am always on the hunt for a new make up brand that doesn’t break the bank balance…. I use MAC, Bobbi Brown, YSL, MUA, Super Drug, Boots No 7… L’oreal.. Maybelline…. Barry M…Rimmel… Collection 2000…(I have ALOT of make up)…..I  like trying lots of different beauty brands for many different reasons but I stumbled across this Gem when shopping with the Bestie!

KIKO Make Up Milano had a large variety of coloured eyeliners, nails varnishes, powder and cream blushers, foundations, lip sticks, lip crayons, concealers and also had a range of skin care products. As a lipstick lover I couldn’t get over the pigments of the lipsticks and the range of colours that they had. Not only did they have lipsticks, they have lipliners and ‘glossy lipliners’ which is basically a lipliner with a gloss/shimmer to it! I bought about 5 different products and it costs me £24 in total which I thought was great.


Velvet Mat Lipstick

When wearing a strong pigmented colour I prefer a matte lipstick as I personally feel that they stay on longer, I lost my mac ‘morange’ lipstick a few weeks ago and got ridiculously excited that I had finally found a dupe for a third of the price!

This velvet lipstick lasted about 5 hours on my lips and I added my own gloss on top. It felt really soft and creamy on my lips and two random people today asked me where I got my lipstick from… (woop woop)

Sometimes when you see a lipstick in store it looks great but normally doesn’t last long enough/ drys out my lips or the pigment is really light…. this little brand took me by surprise! For only £5 I was really shocked by how good the products were and I will defiantly be buying more. Matte lipsticks normally dry out my lips but I noticed for the first time that this didn’t happen, this lipsticks are enriched with K2 repulp which stimlates hyaluronic acid which helps to maintain moisturse levels and plumpness.

Check out the rest of their lipsticks here. This lipstick is avaliable in 15 different shades, I bought shade 604 in bright orange!



Ultra Glossy Stylo

Instead of wearing a bright pigmented lipstick it’s nice to have a natural light shimmery coloured gloss, this stays on like a lipstick its lightweight and adds a subtle amount of colour. The ultra glossy  lipsticks from KIKO again are at an amazing price off only £3.50. I couldn’t help myself and I picked up 2 in shades 807  and 816.  It’s a great price, product and tastes like candy! Check out their full range of ultra glossy lipsticks here.



Ultra Glossy Lip pencil

I always use a lipliner but I have never come across a glossy lipliner. The only  product I can compare this to is the Clinique chubby stick with a stronger pigment with a glossier effect.   Again the price is so cheap, £5.20 for a really good glossy lipliner, this is available in 16 different shades,



Natural Concealer

Finally …. we are nearly at the end of this little review.. I had to try their concealer. I am on the search for a full coverage, hydrating, non creasing concealer… (still looking). The natural concealer is light weight with a medium to full coverage and didn’t crease as much as my other drug store products. I bought this in shade 2 as I wanted the ‘kim k’ look. It was a reasonable price of £5.50 and they have a variety of different concealers, check out their full range. 

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Sometimes it is so hard to find a product that you love and actually works, I was surprised by this brand and will be purchasing a lot more products from them. As cliche as it may sound I assume that the more expensive the product the better coverage and product, I have been proven wrong. Check out their store in the original Westfield in London.

Have you tried this brand? What is your favourite beauty product of all time?

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Valentines Day….. the Perfect Red Lips!

Single? In a relationship or is it complicated? Valentines day is upon us and for some reason wether I am single or in a relationship I feel the need to look Fab and wear red! To be quite honest valentines day is another money making calendar event that we all succumb to the pressure off. If my boyfriend or the guy I am dating doesn’t buy me flowers I raise an eyebrow….but why should I……. shouldn’t he be spontaneously buying me flowers and treating me to a nice meal on the other 364 days of the year…. or do we have to be sickly sweet in a restaurant… share dessert (I don’t sharing my dessert…. but I will share yours) and pretend we are so in love and life is perfect!

This year I will be attending an anti-valentines day event…. this isn’t specifically for single people as quite a few of my girlfriends in relationships are going as well! This is just to prove that who ever you are with and whatever they get you it shouldn’t really matter…. they do need to make some sort of effort but I would rather have a great relationship in general and on valentines day have a laugh…. eat ridiculous amounts of cake and watch a horror film than have a sickly sweet fake night with a guy I don’t really like (just saying)!

Romance isn’t romance if it’s predicted and forced upon! It’s most probably the most anti climax calender event of the year, at least at Easter we stuff our faces with easter eggs! Now that I have had my valentines rant… I hope you are all doing something fab wether that is a home cooked meal with the lover…. an uber cheesy dinner or a anti valentines party with the girls….and if you are 100% alone… who else better to spoil than yourself?? (Go buy yourself something nice)


One of the most important things is looking fab…. there is just another excuse to look uber glam! Even when I am in a rush… it could be raining outside and my make up is half done I will always bring a bright lipstick… a bottle of perfume and some hair spray to keep my look fresh during the day!

For all those singletons looking to be foxy and ladies in a relationship this is your time to turn up the VA VA VOOM… get those big sexy curls on and add a dash of red lipstick!

I always wear a bright red lipstick so here are my favourite tried and tested products! These include MUA, Collection 2000, Barry M, YSL, Mac, Chanel so a variety of prices and shades!

Lip Scrub- Lush

Firstly I would recommend a lip scrub, you want soft plum lips that are kissable, even if you aren’t kissing anyone we don’t like chapped lips! They look unhealthy and can ruin a beautiful face of make up. I would recommend using the LUSH- Sugar Scrub! I have been using mint julips made from castor sugar, jojoba oil, vanilla extracts and peppermint oil. I use this every other night before I go to bed and scrub all the dead skin cells away to ensure my lips are looking healthy and plump. I would defiantly recommend getting this product, it comes in different flavours and Lush is a natural based cosmetics brand! It comes in a hand pot to carry around and sets you back only a few pounds! You can attempt to make this yourself with honey and brown sugar.


So I have crazy amounts of pink and red lipsticks and for valentines day I will be wearing my barry m lip liner in shade 5 and wearing my Rimmel Kate Moss shade 01! I wear these lipsticks together as they have such a great impact. The lipliner is long lasting and prevents my lipstick from bleeding into my makeup, the lipstick is ‘mattifying’ and lasts after eating!

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Always always always line your lips when wearing a bright colour, over the past few months I have become obsessed with the following four lipliners. Perfect for valentines day and great for everyday use. Sometimes I prefer to colour in the entire lip and wear the liners as a lipstick, they last longer are just so pretty.

MUA- Pink Me Up

This shimmery lip liner has an intense pink pigment but the shimmer lasts only for a few hours and doesn’t last for the entire day. The liner easy to use and very soft, to have a clean lined lip I sharpen this every other day. It only costs £1 and comes in 4 shades. If you don’t really use lip liners and want to try some new colours pick this up from super drug! I would rate this 6/10 for the product and 10/10 for the price!


Barry M

 I have shades LL3 (bright red) and LL12 (fuscia pink)! One of my favourite lipliners, the colour lasts all day and I normally wear this instead of a lipstick… depending on my mood. This pigment is very strong and lasts after eating, the red is such a bright vibrant red and can be worn under most red lipsticks. The bright pink reminds me of a ‘barbie’ pink, I love this and it instantly brightens up my look. The texture is velvety and goes on easily, add with a dash of gloss and you are read for a night out. Priced at £2.99 they are a must for every make up lover.I would rate the product 7/10 and the price 9/10.


Rimmel- Indian Pink 004 

This Rimmel ‘lasting finish– lipliner ‘stay on lip contouring pencil’ has an intense pigment with a long lasting finish. Normally I don’t trust what a majority of the products say on the tin, I have worn this in the morning (9am) and it lasted me until 3pm without me needing to retouch the lips. I have eaten and drank while wearing this. I would recommend that if you put a gloss on top it won’t last as long as it could if you are eating and drinking. This is one of my favourite colours, the texture is very soft and creamy but not too creamy but intense enough to stain the lips.This will only set you back £2.99 and is available in 7 different shades.  I would rate this product 8/10 for pigment and longevity and for price 9/10.





From left to right, MUA Pink Me Up, Barry M Pink, Barry M Red, Rimmel Indian Pink! 

Pout paint- Sleek

WOW firstly this is one of the most intense pigments I have ever used, this is a mix between a paint, a melted lipstick and a lip stainer. Add a bit of paint to a makeup tray or the back of your hand and use a lip brush to apply. When I initially got this I just squeezed it onto my lips and didn’t realise how intense or long lasting it would be. Marketed as a ‘highly pigmented lip stain’ is an understatement. It’s very velvety with a dash of gloss and intense colour but I would be very cautious if you are wearing light colours as this would stain your clothes. I do like this product but for daily use I would opt for a lipliner or lipstick. Sleek have a variety of different shades and this even comes in a white and blue, if you feel like being adventurous mix the colours together. This pout paint comes in at £4.99. I think it is defiantly worth the money and you will need a teeny amount to apply across the entire lip.



Red lipgloss Dupe

I have both intense red lip glosses that can be worn on a nude lip, one is Bobbi Brown and the other is Revlon. I have Bobbi Brown Hollywood Red 47 and Revlon colour burst 018 Fire. Both colours are pretty similar with a light red/coral undertone. Bobbi Browns lipgloss will cost you £17 compared to the revlon colour burst at £7.99. The BB lipgloss is extra glossy with a red undertone and is very sticky, I like this lipgloss and have been using them for quite a few years. They are slightly above budget but the shine lasts and stands out. The rimmel lipgloss contains a higher pigment and is slightly duller with a darker red undertone, it has more of a velvet texture and feels more like a lipstick/lipgloss than just a lipgloss. I would wear a lipliner under both of these but they are both great colours.




I have about 15 different red shades of lipsticks but will only be showing you the latest 8 today. I am currently obsessed with my Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick, its a matt red and lasts all day! I have another 2 Illamasqua red lipsticks that are intense in colour and a few other brands.


(Reviewing from left to right)

Rimmel Kate Moss Shade 1- One of my favourite lipsticks at the moment, the pigment is intense with a soft shine. The website states it lasts up to 8 hours and I have to agree it does last a long time, I would say around 5-6 hours because I am constantly drinking water and talking it really does test the longevity of the products. Only £5.49 I think it’s a great bargain and I would recommend getting this.

Rating for the product 7/10 and price 10/10.

Revlon- Cherries in the snow 440 I have the nail polish and this colour is a mix between a berry red and a raspberry. I would say it has more of a pink underlying tone than a cherry colour. This lipstick has a rich velvety tone with a bright pigment and will turn heads. This lipstick contains SPF 15 and is £7.49. I love this colour and like the fact that I can buy a matching nail varnish. The product does last up to 4 hours but has quite a sheer/shiny tone so fades quicker.

Rating 7/10 and price 8/10.

Illamasqua– A great brand with daring colours and pigments, I have a deep blue lipstick from here but will show you the two red lipsticks that I have. Illamasqua lipsticks are both mattifying and long lasting. I would recommend using a lip brush when putting this on. They last up to 10 hours but will obviously need to be touched up. I admit falling asleep with this on and waking up and the lipstick looking pretty much the same. The third lipstick in is sangers and is a blood red lipstick and then I also have maneater which is a cherry red. Both lipsticks are £16 but last a long time and I honestly think they are worth it. I think the most elegant red lipstick is a deep red with a matte finish.

Rating 8/10 and price 9/10.

Rimmel Rossetto Shade 5- This isn’t actually a red lipstick, this is a softer pink tone but again is long lasting and a nice alternative to a deep pink or bright red. The colour is soft and the finish is sheet.

Collection 2000- Cherry Pop shade 8– I love trying cheaper brands because I assume that the quality won’t be amazing but collection 2000 always surprises me. This bright red is hot and has a sheer reflective tones. Its the brightest red lipstick that I have and it sounds silly but I like the packaging as well. It lasts up to a few hours. This lipstick is one of their ‘volume sensation’ lipsticks, it contains an ingrediant that will plump up your lips by 40%*. I haven’t noticed a dramatic difference in regards to the lips looking bigger. The colour is great and it’s only £2.99. I did however feel a little tingle when putting this on, maybe is the feeling of my lips getting bigger! The coverage is light but the colour is intense and sheer.

Rating 7/10 and price 10/10

MUA lipstick shade 2- Again this is a pinky lipstick and not a red. I am not a fan of the packaging but I can’t really complain if the lipstick is a pound. The lipstick is quite thick with an intense pigment and is very creamy. The lipsticks come in 16 different shades, I think for an everyday lipstick this is great to have in the handbag. I was quite surprised with how intense the pigment was and for only a £1 you can’t really say no.

Rating 7/10 and price 10/10

YSL Rouge Pur Couture Shade 03- I love designer lipsticks they make me feel special. This set me back £25 so I don’t wear it everyday. This red is a ‘killer’ red, and the pigment is quite strong. The lipstick isn’t heavy or thick but has a nice shine. Next time I buy a YSL lipstick I will be investing in a mattifying lip colour as I feel that they last longer. It’s a medium to full coverage with a sheer tint. When buying a ‘designer’ lipstick I would always recommend going in store and trying out all the different colours to find your perfect shade.

I am in love with the packaging and think it is an investment lipstick.

Rating 8/10 and price 7/10.


Overall I hope you have found a nice red lipstick or lipgloss for valentines day! Wear red it really does brighten up your day. I would recommend trying a variety of different shades to see which one suits your skin tone!

Have an amazing valentines day !

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