New York Baby!

I am in New York for a week on holiday and I am overwhelmed….. I love the accent…. architecture… food…. I am constantly looking up at the buildings and trying to indulge in this NYC lifestyle. So far I feel like I am watching a movie, standing in time square I was in awe staringat the billboards! I can’t contain my excitement of  looking at all the American shops, wandering in Tribeca and this week I will be going out in the evenings…. checking out China Town and Soho and today was an interesting experience taking the subway! It’s hard not to compare everything to London but New York has it’s own buzz!


I am with my amazing cousin and we are having such a ridiculous time, I have laughed so much my stomach hurts, on Sunday we went to Yoga and I am still recovering from the intense hour session. Since I have been in the city I have hit up Forever21, found a cute pair of GAGA heels in BEBE…. we went to this cute indoor shisha cafe and have been filming together!

I can’t wait to upload the new video on the channel! Today we popped into MAC and got a few bits because things are slightly cheaper than in the UK, this week I will be getting a microdermabrasion which I have never had before. I will be site seeing with my mum and vlogging with the cousin! I have a busy week ahead but I am having a fab time… here are the best bits of the week so far!


Peanut butter cherrios? Really….. I controlled the urge to buy these! Above is the view from the apartment, how beautiful the concrete jungle is!

Almond peanut butter tastes really good, we had this as a light evening snack with apple slices as a healthy treat. Almond peanut butter is a lot lighter and thinner in consistency than peanut butter.


I am so use to see capri sun in certain packaging… how sad that I decided to take a picture! IMG_2004

Detox green juice is full of lemon and ginger, celery, apples, aloe vera and kale! This highly nutritional juice is great with breakfast is packed with vitamins and gives you a great energy kick! YUM!!IMG_2022

I couldn’t resist taking a picture of this, this is Jordan (Katie Price) on the top of a cab… classy! IMG_2027

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What a great time so far in NYC, there is a slight chill in the air but I have been shopping and enjoying the NYC lifestyle… maybe a bit too much as I have had quite a few late night trips to the grocery store to pick up fresh chocolate pudding! I have bought some bits from Forever 21, MAC and I am looking for an exclusive trainer store so I can buy some new converse!

Hope you enjoy… a new haul will be up on the youtube channel when I am back in the UK! Just a sneek peek into my week so far!

Have a FAB day and don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube!