Mark Fast SS14 London Fashion Week


I was very excited to attend the SS14 collection of Mark Fast….. dramatic fringes….bright bold neon yellows with a mix of textures, fabrics and a power parade of body con! The energy in the room was fierce and the models looked like a mix between a gothic grunge chick meets powerful chic! DSC08284



The collection was daring, elegant and risky…. elegantly cut to fit the body but the fringes were by far my favourite! the army of models bolted out one after the other and the flashes were going wild! DSC08197

I would mix the crop tops with a suit jacket and a flowy skirt for summer to keep it soft but still have that edgy look! DSC08239


The power parade of ladies made me wish London was warm all year round! Keep your eyes peeled for when the collection drops next season! DSC08296



As it was raining in London I whipped my hair up in fierce top knot, brought out my metallic skirt and rocked my fluffy pink jumper with my new printed jacket!


I met the cutest dog at Somerset house…… I really really really want a puppy…. just have to convince the boy! (Please … flutters eyelashes at 100 miles an hour …. end up looking like I have something caught in my eye!)IMG_0779

I can’t wait to give you an overview of my favourite bits of London Fashion Week! This year I have been occupied by work and the weather has been terrible…. next year watch this space so we can see the coolest street stylistas!

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