The Twins are Back In Town

Life works in mysterious ways…. one door closes and five open! BOOM… the twins are back in town… double the style, double the make up and double the trouble …. (I can hear Pappa J sighing in the background)

Weekend madness… did you know the M&M store was open until 1am?? I didn’t… well we found out when we stumbled across it on our way to the Hagaan Daaz cafe! London is full of life, fun and most importantly FAMILY!

Bargaining for bracelets at Butler and Wilson to contouring cheek bones! Welcome to my world….

I am slightly obsessed with my new jacket from Zara…. it reminds me of hundred and thousand! So easy to wear and goes with everything… well i think it does anyway!

Studded Pumps – Zara £70 

Golden Pumps- Primark 

Floral Shirt- Primark

Jeans Jacket- Primark

So while bartering in Butler & Wilson for some new jewellery we bumped into the Queen … (well her double)!

New arm candy from Butler & Wilson £38!

Evil Eye bracelet- Accessorize

Spike Bracelet- Forever 21

Even this chain was a bit too bling for me!

South Molton Street- Twin land!

Our lovely new friend Rami!

Sometimes things happen when you least expect them too……

I would defiantly recommend a midnight stroll into the M&M store…

Hope you enjoyed double the trouble, style and sparkle!!



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