Prints that I love…

It’s great to follow fashion but you have to create your own style! It’s an art to understand the trends and interpret them into your own! Sometimes it’s best to just go against them and do what you want to do! … I work in fashion and every season I see something very similar… in the winter we do leather … sometimes pleather! The colours are dark green, maroons, tartans and  they introduce the ‘new winter colour’ for that season….. In the summer we do the new print with bright colours… bring in the pastels.. change the shapes .. ANYWAY…back to the point… I think I might do something different and try and create my own print! If I had a brand it would be OUTRAGEOUS… in your face, turn heads and your friends would ask ‘where did you get that from?’

Would you dare to wear this?

I have found this AMAZING lady  called Rachel Victoria who prints the coolest prints.. check out her stuff here

Don’t forget to LOVE us on facebook and if you find any amazing prints tweet me @foofiefoo!

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