
I have stumbled across another amazing brand…. I can’t manage to get the words out quick enough.. I want… I NEED… MUST BUY…(moves hand towards purse)…. closes eyes and purchases! …. refuses to look at bank balance for the next month!!

A-MORIR is a new amazing sunglasses brand. Celebrities LOVE them, they are futuristic…IN YOUR FACE, beautiful, one offs… WOW! BOOM! OUT THERE…. (get the drift)….

They are the kind of glasses that when you wear them people will stop you in the street… (where did you get this from?>???)

They have currently launched a collection on ASOS


Salmone Sunglasses

My favourite sunglasses!! EEEEKKKKKKKKK

I hope this post has inspired you to purchase these amazing sunglasses…… I am so excited! They are beautiful…..(flutters eyelashes at mother…..)

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