Graduation Day 2012

Wow… I can’t believe I have finally graduated and I am no longer a student … the ceremony was emotional on so many different levels… firstly for the pressure of deadlines being lifted.. then the realisation that I am no longer a child (in my head I am  still 17)….. the fact that my amazing family celebrated with me and realising that now its my time to make my stamp on the world! I don’t normally get too emotional or ‘deep’ when I blog as I am normally painting my face a shade of beige or contouring my cheeks … but today I felt free like some sort of bird and a weight was lifted! One chapter ended and a new chapter started but this time I will be writing the story!


Sometimes we all take for granted how lucky we are to have a great family and trustworthy friends…. take me for example I can get so annoyed and emotional about things that don’t even matter in life… and this may sound cliche but life is about living and being happy! I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that Karma exists.

Today was a big mile stone in my life and it just makes you realise how precious life is! Smile …. be happy…… forget the people that made you sad or hurt you and learn the lessons…. live life like its your last day and keep pushing forward as you are in control of your destiny! Sometimes the most important people we love are not with us to share such memorable days but I believe that if they are no longer with us on this earth that when you think of them …. thats their way of telling them they are with you!





DSC01599I think everyone should take a step  back and reassess their lives..(it’s good to do this every once and a while)….. are we where we want to be ? If not… what can we do to change it! If you want something chase it…. think big to get your dreams and be happy! Do what you love and always put yourself and family first!

I can not stress enough how precious life is and surround yourself with good people, people that bring the best out in you!









Surround yourself with people you love…. I met two of my best friends the first day of university and 4 years later we are still together…. we have been through enough dramas between us to be on Jeremy Kyle….write a book on heart break……. create a survival guide of how to get goods grades at the last minute…….. memories are flooding back!



What I wore 

Zara Gold/black shoes

Zara Belt

Forever 21 black lace Dress (£22…..bargain)

Underskirt and tutu – Handmade in Liverpool


Make Up

MAC Studio Fix Foundation

Rimmel – Kate Moss- Shade 1 (my new fav lipstick)

Setting power- Collection 2000 (I prefer a loose setting powder)

Remember chase your dream… live your life and kick ass ladies….!!!

inspirational quotes (117)

Hopefully this little post has made you think about something on a deeper level….. have an amazing day and don’t forget to love us on facebook and subscribe on youtube!!






5 thoughts on “Graduation Day 2012

  1. Congratulations, and I love your “sign” with the sayings about being strong and so on. A good reminder that the negatives are there to build us up, and that they do give us something.

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