Fitness Update … YAY

So finally the second Fitness video went up on youtube the other day… this is a tad long as I had so much to say! It includes 5 health tip, my workout routine, a general fitness update, how to make my green juice that I post on instagram a lot and how to make chocolate protein pancakes to soothe those cravings I constantly get!


I have been visiting the gym 3 times a week because I had a few things to sort out and was a tad busy! I have some time off over the next few weeks so it will be my second home! Working out has become a second nature to me, I feel guilty if I don’t go and afterward I actually feel like a superstar! You know that feeling when you are on the treadmill and you can no longer be bothered…. imagine that body you have always wanted and keep running! Sometimes I might actually sound insane but push yourself to a limit you can handle and you will notice the rewards.


Remember that its 70% eating and 30% exercise… I eat pretty well and have a few naughty things every once and a while but will work out extra hard if i do. Thing is you might be at that point where you feel like you are not loosing weight or toning but are eating all the right things…. have you ever thought of the times that you are eating or the portion sizes? I have noticed that it’s best to eat little and often and the more you exercise the hungrier you will get! Keep your blood sugar levels at bay by eating good carsb (brown pasta, brown rice etc)… don’t touch refine carbs if you can ( white bread… white pasta etc)…. this will cause a massive spike in your blood sugar levels and will surface your hunger for a while and you will then get hungry straight after! For snacks have apples with organic peanut butter and drinks lots and lots of water!

Remember your body is your temple, this is the first time in my life where I am training hard, I haven’t pushed myself to it’s limits yet but over the next few weeks I want to see the results if I do that! … (LJ the bests told me to suck it in and tense to see my muscles….. ha ha)


Muscle weights more than Fat

If you have started working out it’s better to take measurements instead of weighing yourself because we forget that muscle weights more than fat. Since I have been eating better…. (I actually eat slower as well…. CHEW THAT FOOD GURL).. I am no longer bloated. I eat till I am full and don’t over feed myself! I don’t restrict myself from all treats but will run and work out a bit more! My stomach is slightly flatter but I still have a long way to go to what I want to achieve!



(image from tumblr)

I find working out my core so hard and doing sit ups is something that kills me…. I went to the gym the other day with my bestie and she has been a gym bunny for the past year! We realised that I need to increase my reps on my crunches to feel and show anything! I have now decided to attempt 100 crunches a day and 100 squats a day even if I don’t go to the gym! Eeek I will be starting this today and regretting it pretty much straight after ha ha ! No pain no game… (right?)


Check out how to make my green juice in the new fitness video … it’s super yummy and I always add extra ginger to give it that zing to wake me up in the morning. I make this juice 2-3 times a week!


A great snack before or after the gym.. my trainer told me the best time to eat is after the gym. He also mentioned that if I warm up for 10 mins on the cross trainer of treadmill and then do my weights etc… and then end my workout with running I will burn more calories! Defiantly start using weights when doing squats and lunges! What else would you ladies like to know? I will be posting up more fitness videos…. would you like to see workout routines? Let me know!


Have an amazing day beauts… and keep going! Forget everyones else’s negativity or what they think of you… it’s your world… your writing the story and your shaping it! Add a dash of mascara and some fierce red lipstick and keep going! Subscribe to youtube and make my day! There will be my first giveaway when I get to 5k followers!

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