Jewellery… sparkle ….WOW

My weakness is jewellery…. I most probably was some sort of magpie in a previous life! I LOVE shiny things, I could dazzle in jewels all day and the more the better! I love a statement necklace, a blinging ring and get some sort of buzz when someone goes  ‘i love your jewellery’…. at one point I looked into creating my own brand but it wasn’t the time for me! I hope you like my jewellery collection… I have bits from moschino, primark, burberry, forever 21, river island, ASOS, Mikey, Mawi, Accessorize…. When I say I LOVE jewellery …. I am not joking! If you have an up and coming jewellery brand …. send me the link! I love jewellery that is sparkly, something that makes me laugh! DSC02516


Statement jewellery makes an outfit, it can literally transform your whole look! I always take a sneek peek in H&M!

I love the evil eye in jewellery.. it’s so beautiful.. I was recently given a beautiful present from family and I have not taken it off since!


This is a small part of my jewellery collection… I have a few boxes still to unpack but I love love love JEWELLERY… THE more the better! I want to invest in a Tatty Devine necklace!







I got this super cute statement elephant necklace from Topshop about 8 years ago and still wear it to this day! Every time I wear it someone asks me where its from! WOOP DSC02539

Just a few of my bangles… in my other room I have my bangles stacked up on a rack so they don’t get damaged!DSC02541

My mummy gave me these cute vintage earrings… they remind me a bit of Pat Butcher from Eastenders but with an elegant dress, hair up these beauties should dazzle! DSC02543


I managed to pick up this AMAZING crop body top in Topshop…. bejewelled and a statement piece! DSC02545


I love ethnic prints in jewellery, lots of chains like MR T, spikes and studs like a punk rocker! DSC02547




I love body jewellery… Fannie Schivonie is a genius! I have quite a few jewellery braces! I love love love LEATHER jewellery aswell, and jewellery braces or harness! Jewellery in your hair, ear cuffs, anklets! I love it all!!!

If you are a jewellery designer … want to recommend a favourite brand… LET ME KNOW!

Don’t forget to love us on facebook… check us out on tumblr!


Lets go to the beach beach ….

So what better way to spend a Friday after work chilling on the beach… cocktails (well mocktails for me).. deck chairs… gossip and the sunshine! Camden beach at the roundhouse!!


The ASOS girlies and me rocked up on the beach.. i planned my ‘beach outfit’ ahead (not like some of us … cough cough bella)… the ladies had the drinks flowing.. orange juice (kids choice) did it for me!!

My fashionista friends looked FAB as always, Faye’s amazing sunglasses by Henry Holland were passed around and its a MUST BUY for any sunglasses lover…


It turned into quite an interesting evening after Bella shouted Magician and some randoms turned around… the randoms who then decided to take hostage of our space decided to act like 5 year old boys and literally ‘push the girl over in the sand’ to show that they liked her….

Yes some 21 whats-his face and his three muskerteers decided to attempt to charm us with their childish banter of ‘oo your such a douche back but your so cute’… elbowing me while nudging closer and my favourite.. he pulled my hair…

Can i just say to any man that likes a girl… if you follow the steps of pushing her, pulling her hair and then saying she is cute you will either end up with a black eye or a polite ‘piss off’… seriously ladies why do men think that if they are mean it will make women fall for them.

After what his face got told to stop being such a prat he looked sad and said ‘I’m sad i made you sad it was just playful banter’…. Honestly no one is sad except them …. they quickly left and we carried on enjoying our girly sandy beach experience.

You must go just because its so odd to be in a beach in the middle of camden, try the frozen slush cocktails and if you are really lucky you will get a Jeremiah Weed T shirt!

Fashion Object of the Day- Henry Holland Specs

Hair Update: So ‘Bleach- Topshop’ said the colour would last 10-12 washes, the pink washed out in 2 washes and the purple is now blue… What do you think? I feel like i am turning into my little pony…

Quick dating tip to all men … please don’t be douche bags… playful banter is nice but not when you attack the lady …

Tweet me your Camden beach pics if you go … @foofiefoo and don’t forget to like my Facebook page 🙂 (YOU HAVE TO CLICK HERE)

Until next times…. xxx