My Own Superhero

Some people like to fade into the background and just ‘fit in’, I never wanted to go unnoticed or be a follower. I was the bossy little sister and my dad always told me he never had to worry about me because I always spoke my mind. I have this fire inside my body, the sort of fire that isn’t harmful but reminds you why you shouldn’t give up… I like to bottle up some of my emotions and remember that feeling of why I want to succeed so badly…..some people call it ambition but it’s this feeling inside my body that I want to succeed to show to myself that I can do anything I put my mind too. Determination and ambition are so important, I would say I am very competitive with myself (that sounds really silly but it’s true)!



The boy and I were discussing how I never stop…. and how I always have something going on…. I am so use to trying to juggle a billion tasks at once and sometimes I forget to breathe. I put all this pressure on myself, I don’t have pushy parents they would be happy with anything I do as they are very open minded and loving. I like to try everything and I hate the words I can’t or I won’t…. negativity is something that rocks my karma!

My best friends are my besties for many reasons…. we all have our hormonal mood swings but when it comes down to it we support each other! I am a lucky lady to have two ladies who have my back no matter what… thank you Mari and Jam… you both have managed to show me the brighter side of life when I can’t see the light!


The whole point of this emotional splurge is that we are only human, we are not perfect and not everything goes to plan! We live and we learn and it’s getting back up from these mistakes that can either make or break us! When we fall down, brush it off get up and keep going. I am in the ‘transition period’ of my life where I am exploring what I want from my life. So many of us are just existing and not living… I have asked this before but are you existing or living? Why don’t you explore that amazing brain of yours figure out all the things you want to do…. educate yourself and remember that knowledge if power! DSC07919

Be the best version of yourself, excel in your own little way remember this is your story and your painting the picture not someone else! Sometimes we are not in the fortunate position of being in control in our lives, I am lucky that my mum lets me explore and make my own mistakes but is always there to pick up the pieces. I believe that relationships with parents and people really do have an affect on our outlook on life but remember that your past doesn’t define you it should help you shape your future no matter how hard the past was. DSC07929


There was a time in my life where I could say why me? Why did this have to happen to me but I managed to change my perspective on life and realise that sometimes shizzle happens, it’s what we do when that happens that makes us into the people we are. Be your own super hero, be proud and don’t put yourself down! There is a whole world out there with millions of people all writing their own story, don’t get left behind and take control. Sometimes we are so comfortable we forget our dreams, don’t forget your dreams because there is so much more to life. If you feel like you are coming to the end of one chapter start a new one, you won’t learn anything new my re-reading the same chapter! DSC07933This was initially a fashion post…. as I love my new little outfit but you know what I am like… I get distracted and started talking about feelings….. but yes back to fashion because that is the aim of the game! The booties are from Topshop they were £65 and are now £30 in the sale! BARGAIN… The necklace is from blakegodbold, I got it from ASOS a few year backs! The silk pyjama jacket is from Zara and is most probs on sale too…… the skirt is pleather and from Primark! Oh how I love a bargain… it’s getting a little chilly in London.. someone fly me to a beach!


Remember to remain fierce at all time… if you can’t scream, cry, shout and let out all the emotions until your zen has calmed! Don’t let anyone mess with your zen and have an amazing day guys… if you are not feeling yourself firstly go do whatever makes you feel calm and then meditate.. think about nothing for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing!

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