Go Find Yourself…

I am 24 and I have done everything I was ‘suppose’ to do … I went to school… went to University… got a degree… and now I am working full time in the field I graduated in…. now I am questioning EVERYTHING …. is this it? Is this my path? Is there more to life….. I am currently sitting on my floor in my room after attempting some yoga and feel the need to write down my thoughts and just let my brain be free! My brain is on the go 24/7….I am bored of this standard structure, I want to be creative, I want to paint again… I want to do all the things I love everyday for a few months and enjoy myself!


I am so curious about the world, I have this urge to travel and see the world, I want to experience so many different cultures, take pictures on top of mountains….. go bungee jumping in Australia… go to music festivals around the world and street style when I can …. Go to Brazil… See elephants in Africa….. learn how to cook traditional food by an old Italian lady in her house in a little village…. I want to absorb all these experiences… I have travelled a lot in my life with my family but I feel it’s time to let go of structure and find me!

When people previously said they were going travelling to ‘find themselves’ I never really got it, I thought to myself.. I already know who I am why would I want to travel….. I felt safe in my bubble…. that bubble popped and now I want to float around the world and find out where it could take me! Be curious…educate yourself in the ways of the world! Learn another language, relocate…. you may love your life at the moment and enjoy the life you have but there is always more! We will never know everything so we might as well explore and travel…


I want to be free like a bird, travel the world and not be bound by societies structure of this and that! I personally want to make a big difference in my life and absorb as much information about this world as possible! We have to think big to get big in this world… I am currently blabbering all my thoughts out to the world and hopefully it will have a domino affect and get you thinking about your life and what you want to do!


We can achieve greats things and see the world if we change our state of mind…. we are always afraid of taking chances and trying something new because of the uncertaininty of what will happen… as a typical planner I love structure… I love a plan and knowing that I will be doing A,B, and C today however this is not how life works!

I met someone (you know who you are)…. they broke down my walls and have showed me a new way of thinking…. I am going with the flow and instead of giving everything a time structure I am giving myself goals of things I want to do in life! No matter what your age we should all be able to fulfil our dreams and the only thing stopping you… is yourself so make those baby steps towards your dreams…


I have written a list of things I want to do and I keep adding and adding and it’s just getting longer and longer! Some of them are pretty cheesy but who cares.. it’s my fairy tale so I will be writing it however I want! I love animals and seeing animals in London Zoo is very sweet but I want to see them on Safari…. a special someone took me to the zoo and they passed the test… now it’s my turn to take that one step further and go on SAFARI! I want to see elephants… I am imaging a mix of the jungle book and madagascar however I will most probably be terrified of getting attacked or my camera stolen by monkeys (I’m sure that only happens in the films right?) I want to see  lions and zebras and all the other animals and get some real first hand inspiration for my art!

I want to do yoga on the beach for a whole month every morning, hear the ocean and feel the sand! I have lived in London my whole life, a concrete jungle and I work in the fashion industry… I want to see first handedly what the other cultures wear… their national dress…. the list is really really long but hopefully I can start exploring this part of my life very soon inshallah and letting go of some structure!

You never know what will happen until you try… let go off all that fear… jump into the deep end and enjoy every experience! Dream….. believe….. achieve! Maybe I will become an explorer?? Who knows…. hehe .. let’s just enjoy life!

Go Find Yourself…..

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