Birthday Girl

I don’t even know where to start…… ok here we go…. firstly I gained a year…. Hopefully a year wiser as LJ (one of the bestie’s ) said! So I have set my self a few goals for the next year, which reflect more on my work life and exploring the world and building relationships with friends and just letting go.


When I was younger I had a ‘plan’…. that at this age I should be earning X amount…. potentially be in a long term relationship and be on the road to marriage! I totally sold myself short, why plan? It’s good to have a pathway but no deadlines… more like eventually I want to get married and have kids but I am in my early twenties… do I even know who I am? (I do now after a few defining moments in my life)!


What I am basically trying to say is that with everything we do … good … bad… whatever ……always learn from the situation because knowledge is power and with that power we can make better decisions and GROW!!! I think the whole point of us being here on this earth is to enjoy our lives, be goods people and grow! Meet new people, try new things… seriously you only live once so do something you haven’t done before! Also before we carry on the use of YOLO has been over used recently…. especially by some people…. and girls and boys who use this as an excuse to sleep around…. its not cool guys! (HASHTAG justsaying)


Ok so let’s get back to business… yes it was my birthday this weekend! Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP …. I had a relaxing day to get ready and pamper myself! Met the lovely ladies for dinner at Asia De Cuba and then had a little party party !


The day before my birthday…. I was dress-less…. I had two dresses in mind, the first one that arrived in the post looked terrible and made me look like a sack of potatoes… the second one from FCUK was way too booby and looked like their signature style.. I was over it… I was stressed… So I roamed around Oxford Street and found my dress FINALLY! I have named her the fire cracker, it looks like someone put a firecracker into a blender and then attacked the fireworks onto the dress! It was a statement dress… WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM….. I AM HERE LADIES…. YES IT’S MY BIRTHDAY ….. get the drift?


So welcome into my Birthday world… I will be posting a new video this week on my birthday makeup on my youtube channel!  Mummy got me the naked pallet 2 from Urban Decay so finally I was plastering that on for my birthday! The make up was a light smokey gold eye with gold glitter and bright pinky lips!


I ended up getting my dress from Topshop…. its from their Ragged Priest Section… I saw it and I couldn’t say no! I have an obsession with sparkly things… so it was a must!


My belt is from Primark…. I think its about £2 and it a great little belt that can be worn with everything to bring in your waist! DSC01995

Decisions … decisions… decisions…. what shoes to wear??

You lucky people get to have a glimpse inside one of my wardrobes… this is normally top secret! DSC02017

The Louboutin’s were amazing…. Super Woman hey! DSC02055

Is it just me … or shall I just say I am 21 from now on…. ???DSC01769

Dinner with the girlies at Asia De Cuba! …if you go try the calamari and banana salad! YUM


What an eventful birthday….. the weekend ended with the day spent with the most important person in my life… the mother! I still can’t believe I am 24… in my head I am still 16 and in my heart I am still daddys little girl!

Also I would recommend if you are looking for a birthday dress and you want something unique… try smaller more niche brands ,,. my favourite brands at the moment are Aqua… black milk clothing and Zara! Remember for your birthday you want to make a statement! Stay tuned for the new make up tutorials and please re post on your facebook 🙂 !


Gone but never forgotten!


Also ladies check out ragged priest full collection here! 

Don’t forget to love us on facebook!
