Keep Smiling

(Currently listening to ‘My Way’ by Frank Sinatra) …….When life gives you 100 reasons to cry give life 1000 reasons to smile, sometimes we get so dragged down by the bad things we forget how lucky we are and how many great things we have going for us. One of the most important and strongest beliefs I have besides religion is being positive, what energy you send out is the energy I believe you will receive back.


Be strong, you are intelligent and never let anyone put you down. At the end of the day we are all humans, forget money and all the materialistic fabrications that we have but judge people by the content of their mind. A smile is contagious, help people and be the best person you can be and treat people how you want to be treated. Telling someone you love them or think about them or even a smile can make their day. Life is about living, only in the past few years I have really been living my life the way I want it to be! We can’t choose our family but we choose our friends, surround yourself with people that bring happiness and lift you up! You want people to support you and be happy for you. I can count my best friends on one hand, I know many many people but the ones I trust and love are very special to me. I am at the age where as I get older I am surprisingly getting wiser! Be a good person and keep going, give yourself a pat on the back… I realise I am so harsh on myself sometimes but then the boy makes me look at things in a different perspective. I am very grateful for what I have and if you are thinking about a certain someone…. tell them how you feel.

Find peace through everything you can, the world, religion, friends, family…. whatever calms your zen keep that close to you. For some reason I feel like this journey I am on is happening very quickly, it’s scary because I don’t feel in control but they say that you only really start to live when you are outside of your comfort zone! I don’t normally say thank you to my followers…. but for anyone reading this…. thank you for taking your time to see the world I am creating! Thank you to all my family for pulling me through everything and thank you bubz for making me so happy! Over the last ten years I have learnt so much… I have lost the most important man in my life and invested in a great sister in law! I have seen my family grow from strength to strength and wouldn’t change them for the world.


I hope this post has made you look at your life in a different perspective….. spread the love!

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Say Yes……You only live once

Sometimes I write about fashion…. what I do…. film a bit of street style and rant about make up and then get a bit emotional and ‘in the zone.’ Today is one of those ‘in the zone’ articles….. It’s getting to the middle of February, well it’s nearly the middle of Feb and I think Drake’s YOLO saying ‘you-only-live-once’ is being over used by a certain genre of people….. aka idiots!


The point I am trying to make is every once and a while we need to stop struggling and carrying too much stress on our shoulders and realise how well we are doing. Sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit on how well we are actually doing, the new year resolutions were thrown out last month and we just get caught up in this stress bubble. I have just smashed my little bubble taken a few steps back and slapped myself with a happy pill! Let me inspire you… make today an amazing day! We don’t realise how lucky we have it, sometimes I just need to stop caring and RELAX! I personally over stress… I need to do this and that and at this age I should be doing this… now the life is a non plan! See where life takes me,if this time next year I am living and working in Paris…. NYC…. or still sitting in my room… who knows! Smile, laugh…. do something new!


A few steps to a new YOU:

1) Stop caring what others think, I know quite a few people who care way to much about what others think of them! I understand that its relatively important maybe at work etc but in life just do what makes you happy! People pleasers always end up sacrificing their own happiness to make others happy! Put YOU first and smile… at the end of the day you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life so just stop….. listen…. breathe and go do that thing you have been putting off for ages wether that is ‘you’ time…. getting that new bag… baking…. going to the zoo… whatever it is just do it and stop caring what other people think!


2) Smile… I literally can’t stop smiling….. maybe my mum mixed my vitamin pills with happy pills but I am just in such a good place at the moment….and when I mean a good place I am not sitting on a beach… I am just happy with what’s going on….and my happiness is not dependant on a man or another person I am at peace with myself and taking the time to do things that make me happy! It’s my life…. so I will do things that make me smile…. yes that includes eating lots of cake… staring at tumblr (whatshouldwecallme)…..laughing uncontrollably with my besties and convincing my mother that we NEED  a pug!


3) Positive people … place yourself around people that bring out the best in you! We all have acquaintances … but you need people that after a terrible day make you laugh! The friends that believe your crazy ambitions and tell you to reach for the stars… not the friends that laugh at your beliefs …. you should be able to count your true friends on one hand! …


4) Be Fierce… as silly as it may sound … be fierce… be daring…… smile… be outgoing…. talk to that person… laugh….. just DO it … ooze confidence and keep smiling…fake it until you make it ….. I am all for strong vivacious women! I love people with confidence they excite me… but there is a fine line between being confidence and being arrogant!


5) Everything happens for a reason… LEARN LEARN ABSORB and LEARN… don’t be one of those people … ‘oh why me’….and ‘drama follows me’…. it doesn’t! Sometimes we need to just accept that things happen for a reason and that should change our perceptions on things! Sometimes these ‘things’ can change our whole lives… I have been through heartache…. loosing loved ones and all the other jazz but it’s what you do when it all goes bad that makes you the person you are! Pump up some Whitney … at this moment in time I would request ‘I’m every woman’ or maybe even the Rocky theme tune! Just don’t let the bad times get you down, we are all here to learn and to shape ourselves into the best people we can be!


BE YOU…. don’t try and fit in… don’t try and be something your not! We love our friends and family because we can be whoever we want to be and they will accept us! Life is really too short to be shedding tears… and the  people who are worth our tears won’t make us cry!


I hope you have an amazing day and smile!

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