First Fashion Haul Video

Is it March already? Yikes…. soon we will be wearing sunglasses and bare legs! I am a self confessed shopping addict with a mission to find London’s best bargains! I can’t control the addiction of leopard print obsession, bright lips and random accessories! I WANT YOUR STYLE was created to appreciate all the weird and wonderful ways people dress around the world!

So after buying all this random stuff I wanted to share it with the world with my first fashion haul on youtube, if you are new to the world of ‘hauls’ its a video created to show others what they have recently bought! … Some of you are most probably thinking… how pointless but if you love to shop then this will be the perfect solution to control your addiction…(only joking)… I love hauls because it’s so interesting to find out what people have recently bought and how they style them!

Check out my first video… hope you love it … I would recommend a cup of tea.. a biscuit or two and a comfy seat!

Have an amazing day… don’t forget to love us on facebook, youtube and tumblr!
