New Chapter

So where do I start…. so I wasn’t happy with my job it wasn’t bringing  me any closer to my own dreams… making me happy or helping me in anyway to what I want to achieve in life. I graduated in Fashion merchandising so to naturally walk into that job seemed like the right thing to do… I am a people’s person…. I say it how it is and sitting in an office not communicating or helping people wasn’t benefiting me in anyway so I made the scary decision to leave and find a new job! YAY I have a new job but some time off in between to focus on me…. take a holiday and enjoy life a little!

The saddest thing about leaving my job is that I am going to miss my friends… not just any friends but girls who I regard as people I trust and love… I will miss you minions (weep)! So for my leaving do we wanted to pigged out at Meat Liquor!

I have heard so many different reviews on this and you can’t make a reservation you have to queue up. It’s behind House of Fraser on Oxford street…. if you have ever seen the film Saw thats what it reminded me off. Red lighting… pretty creepy…. terrifying wall art and lots of red paint (blood splatter)! 



The place was packed… the girls and I finally got a table and we ordered food. Yes I have turned into a fitness and health freak but every once and a while it’s good to pig out and just have a yummy feast! We ordered burgers… cheese and chilli chips… onion rings…. literally so much food but it tasted so good! IMG_1002


If you can manage to get a table defiantly go! It was yummy…. I’m sure I consumed my daily allowance of calories in this meal… guess I will just have to work a bit harder at the gym this weekend! IMG_0998



Besides a bag full of goodies the team got me this amazing name necklace I have always wanted! I have always wanted a Tatty Devine necklace I just never managed to get one! It’s so pretty! Sometimes it’s so scary to make these decisions of starting over but if we never live out of our comfort zone we will never know what we can achieve. Cut all the rubbish…… are you happy? We only live once and your happiness is something you will deal with everyday.



Also….. I decided to dye my hair ombre blonde…. I was pretty bored and women normally change their hair when they want a new start or identity! I hope you like it and check out the other pics on my instagram! IMG_0981




Don’t forget to keep posted with fashion, beauty, health and randomness on youtube and the blog!

A new fashion and motivational video will be up this week! Keep your eyes peeled and subscribe!

Don’t forget to check out facebooktumblryoutubeInstagram and twitter! 






New York City….. Fashionistas

This week I have been touring around New York City looking for new bits and bobs with my cousin and we went decided to venture to Brooklyn. When she first mentioned Brooklyn I was skeptical but she said I would like it, so we jumped on the subway and arrived in this ‘East London meets Portobello’ like area. Williamsburg is full of cute edgy restaurants, artwork, vintage shops and random street stalls.

Whenever I go to a new city I try to avoid the tourist areas so I can get a real feel for the city, I don’t want to visit H&M or Zara I want to find the cool vintage stores, eat in the niche restaurants and live like a local. So far my favourite areas in New York are the meatpacking district for restaurants and clubs, Soho for shops and Williamsburg for the fashionista lifestyle. The first thing I noticed when we got to Williamsburg were the amount of well dressed men and street art. I appreciate all different senses of style this side of town had its own cool edge about it, firstly I could see the sky because the buildings were not sky scrapers.


Watching someone create this master piece was so interesting, walking down the street we passed street stalls with jewellery, random books and people selling their old bits and bobs. IMG_2327


If you love art this is somewhere you need to visit, it’s full of life and street art was everywhere. We had a random photographer stop us to take our photo. I have a thing for street art and we found it on every corner. IMG_2322

Bone Thugs NYC was a cool street store that made little jumpers for dogs….. super cool and very random! IMG_2323






The street art was so colourful and inspirational, coming from London we don’t have enough bright coloured street art! Such bright popping colours and a great back drop for photo-shoots. IMG_2343


We walked into this random vintage store and found these two giant paintings… how funny are these?IMG_2347






I don’t think I want to live in London anymore… I think it’s time for a change…. you only live once….. NYC here I come!

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube!

Have an amazing day…and book your next holiday!


First Fashion Haul Video

Is it March already? Yikes…. soon we will be wearing sunglasses and bare legs! I am a self confessed shopping addict with a mission to find London’s best bargains! I can’t control the addiction of leopard print obsession, bright lips and random accessories! I WANT YOUR STYLE was created to appreciate all the weird and wonderful ways people dress around the world!

So after buying all this random stuff I wanted to share it with the world with my first fashion haul on youtube, if you are new to the world of ‘hauls’ its a video created to show others what they have recently bought! … Some of you are most probably thinking… how pointless but if you love to shop then this will be the perfect solution to control your addiction…(only joking)… I love hauls because it’s so interesting to find out what people have recently bought and how they style them!

Check out my first video… hope you love it … I would recommend a cup of tea.. a biscuit or two and a comfy seat!

Have an amazing day… don’t forget to love us on facebook, youtube and tumblr!
