Bombshell Make Up!

So guys I have taken my love of beauty and make up to another level and decided to create a little youtube beauty channel…. so far I have kept you up to date with some of my latest tricks of ghd curls, leopard print eyes and the Skeena bun! This look is smokey plum eyes and deep ombre two tone lips! I hope you love this look and try it out! It’s really easy and is for a night on, I applied a heavier base as I needed it to last all night! Check it out and please subscribe if you like it 🙂

Also it’s amazing to see how much makeup can change the dimensions of your face, remember work with what you have and make up can enhance your features! The tricks on layering your foundation for an evening look and contouring and highlighting your face really do work!







The lashes are from Illamasqua and are AMAZING! I had to cut them to fit exactly as they were a bit too long for my eye! (Random but true)


Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.04 #2


I am wearing Mac Studio Fix foundation in NW25 and NC25 as I have both warm and cool undertones in my skin! The layering technique on this video really does help your foundation stay and remember THIN layers ladies! 4-up on 01-12-2012 at 19.08 #9

Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.08 #2

4-up on 01-12-2012 at 19.08 #5

Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.06 #5



I am wearing a mix of two lipliners from MAC, a darker purple one to outline and a brighter red in the middle with a Revlon Kate Moss number 1 lipstick on top! I have to say that the lipstick lasted all night and through a 3 course menu! I would definitely recommend covering your whole lips in lipliner before as if your lipstick comes off the liner will last for the rest of the day/evening!
Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.17 #2


So I got a bit carried away and ended up posing in front of the camera…. but so what its all just a bit of fun hey! The T-shirt I’m wearing is from Topshop and is only £18! Bargainnnnn and my cute little necklace is from Forever 21!

Check out the video xxxx

Hope you love this and please subscribe or love us on facebook! 

Spread the love xxx

Quick question… what’s your favourite lipstick for this season?