Beauty Regime- Tea Tree

Welcome to my first actual beauty review, I have blogged quite a few make up videos on my youtube page but we all want to know what is really worth buying and what isn’t in terms of beauty products. I have tried and tested the expensive products to the own brand products on the high street and would never judge a product by its packaging…. seriously the ones that look all jazzy normally end up being pretty rubbish ….. lets get crack-a-lacking so I can bang on about how much I love tea tree….


On a serious note I have been using this cleanser for about 3 years, I normally get it on offer from Superdrug for 3 for the price of 2 or some random offer but I go through bottles of this stuff.

I have the foam cleaner and the toner and use this on a daily basis. It’s delicate on the skin and takes off all my make up. The fascial cleanser is a foam, I would recommend taking off your eye make up before hand maybe with face wipes as this could potentially irritate the eye. (I will do another review on my eye make up remover…..this is also a high street buy and it works wonders)

I love the smell and after rubbing the foam all over the face and washing it with warm water all the traces of make up & dirt are gone. 

It’s only £2.99 and after using this I use the toner, this helps take of any excess dirt and tones the face. I use a simple moisturiser aferwards.

Superdrugs Tea Tree and Peppermint cleaner 


Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

  • Can be use as an antiseptic which prevent bacteria from spreading (this will reduce the spread of spots)
  • Keeps the clear of excess oil and prevents the spread of bacteria
  • Germecidial properties (kills germs)  YAY
  • Helps soothes and

There are many tea tree products on the market in Boots and Superdrugs, I would recommend trailing this as it doesn’t break the budget. The Body Shop also do a range of tea tree so if you can defiantly check it out, they do face wash, toners and spot treatments which specifically target the redness and the bacteria! Superdrug do a whole range of tea tree, check it out here! 

Why not try pure tea tree oil, you will need a drop or two and as this is a pure oil it doesn’t come with any of the chemicals. Add one or two drops a day and you wil see the benefits, this takes a bit longer to react as it’s a natural oil. You can use this on specific areas such as acne or blemishes but this depends on the skin type. Your skin must be clear of dirt and make up.  I have used this but I personally prefer using the fascial cleaner, it is easier to use and I like the foamy texture.

I have tried and tested so many different beauty products but one product I have always come back is my Tea Tree fascial cleanser from Superdrug! 


It is so important to look after your skin, I travel to London 5 times a week on the tube, the amount of dirt in the air and the bacteria that could be touching my hands or face is pretty gross! Look after your skin and if you don’t like tea Tree I would recommend a face wash for you, sometimes some standard soaps can be pretty  tough and drying on the skin! This works for me and I hope it works for you, remember the three steps ladies…. cleanse….. tone and most importantly moisturise!


If you have any questions please let me know xxx

I have a Lush natural face pack on….. I will be doing my next review on some of their products!