Candy Floss Sparkle

Yes I am addicted to buying clothes… maybe I should join one of those groups where I admit that I have a shopping problem.. well it’s not that much of a problem when its from Primark! It’s getting really cold and I don’t want to pull out the Uggs and I have wanted one of those super duper cosy BRIGHT jumpers for agesssss! I stumbled across this beauty in H&M and I am in love!

I got this really cute new winter red nail polish, it’s from Revlon and its called Cherries in the Snow, its bright vibrant and looks HOT! If you are a nail addict I am hoping you have heard of Caviar beads… check out the MUA version, they are £3.99 and super cheap compared to the Ciate packs which are £18 a pack! I have all 5 colours, the one in this picture is scorpio! 

Necklace- £12  from the amazing Primark! I love this necklace and it looks so nice with bright colours or even a plain black or white jumper/dress/t-shirt!

Embellished shorts- Primark- £18 … So I popped into Primark on Friday and got these cute embellished high-waisted short!

Eyelashes- 2 for 1 collection 2000… only £2.99 and they look fab on!

Hope you like and don’t forget to love us on facebook and subscribe to the beauty channel! 
