Goodbye savings… Hello Chanel

…. I can’t help it… I’m getting older and my taste is getting more expensive! When I was 5 I was happy with a happy meal and the latest Barbie….now I strive for Chanel on a Zara budget… so yes ……reality has hit me……it’s not happening unless it’s an investment piece! (In this case it is!)

I shop everywhere and I have said it a million times but… it’s not what you wear its how you wear it! I feel that you should invest in 3 designer/good quality items…. shoes… handbags (plural because one is never enough)…. and a jacket or coat!  

This morning on my way to work I was flocking through tumblr and BOOM…. there it was…. BUY ME (that little money spending demon in my head)…. ‘buy me … this would look amazing…. you have to get it….’ Then the saving angel fights back …’ you don’t need them… it’s just a black pair of trainers… your wearing black limited edition converse… don’t be silly’

The spending demon laughs, ‘don’t be so ridiculous… have you seen these shoes? They will be an investment piece’ …. So yes two sides of my brain were having a full blown conversation and I didn’t actually say a word but I know at this point in time I am undecided.



I can’t get this from an ordinary trainer… we both know that! They are just so beautiful… LIKE WOW!!! It’s not even the fact that they are Chanel, they could be Zara but the roses are so pretty! An elegant chic trainer! I might invest if they aren’t ridiculously expensive….if anyone has the link online please send it to me! I have been on the site and nothing… will be ringing the head office tomorrow!

… Would you invest???

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