Rihanna For River Island… LFW 2013

So ‘bad girl’ RIRI has finally crossed over to the dark side, welcome to the fashion world. Launching her first collection with River Island ….what were you expecting? I though this could initially go two ways be complete and utter tack or be the best thing since sliced bread.

I had a look at the collection this morning on the internet and was surprised by the reaction, the pieces are bright, cropped, edgy and daring. You have to have a Rihanna figure and attitude to pull these pieces off, the swim suits are WOW with a ‘baywatch’ high cut leg and I think I need to start investing in a decent fitness work out if I attempt to rock this on a night out! The shoes are amazing, this is something I will defiantly be buying, they are statement heels, big and in your face.

What do you think of the collection? Do you already love Rihanna’s style? I like the bright yellow and orange pieces and will be investing in them, I would love to rock the cropped tops but preferably with highwaisted skirts and trousers…. I’m not into showing my 6 pack (I wish)!


The shoes remind me of the Burberry collection last year, military chick but pretty ‘bad ass.’











What do you think? I would wear some pieces but wouldn’t style it differently, I love vibrant colours and head turning pieces but don’t like showing my stomach! What will you be buying?

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube! 


(Images from Grazia.co.uk)

Street Style London- Exclusive IWYS video

Finally it is here…… the first IWYS street style London video… my lovely friend Jamma and I ran up and down London to find the finest street style hotties in London! If you are involved in the video then firstly thank you…. you LOOK FAB! You stood out and yes …. I do want your style!

This first exclusive video focuses on what people are really wearing… how they are interpretting todays fashion … especially in London’s weather! We are a nation of fashionista’s and I salute anyone rocking their own style and standing out! We don’t want to be sheep wearing the same clothes… make a difference and try something new! If you are more of a ‘plain jane’ then try something new…. remember that the high street is your catwalk! Stand out…. dress how you feel! Sometimes I rock out in skinny jeans and converse and the next day I am head to toe in studs or neon… maybe not that extravagant but I love to make things my own! Don’t be bound by fashion trends…. do whatever you want to do and stand out!


Please share and spread the love on your facebook.. twitter… or whatever you want! Let’s appreciate street style …. we want to see what the nation is really wearing not models in a magazine!



This is just a sneak peek…. hope you love it!

Subscribe on youtube and the site to keep up to date !

Don’t forget think big to get big! I can’t wait for London Fashion Week… all the most stylist outraegous people in one location!

Do what you love……


Brick Lane …. Sunday Upmarket

I like to go shopping at least once a week, when I say ‘shopping’ it doesn’t mean I actually spend any money …I love a bargain, I flip through Vogue magazines and search fashion websites like I have been given some sort of mission to find my next target! I analyse the trends from Vogue, see what I like and then find the high-street equivalent adding a bit of a ‘Skeena’ twist to it!

I appreciate everyone’s sense of style, I don’t like the standard plain janes (sorry if you are offended) but as I have previously ranted I love individuality wether you are wearing bright green creepers or a neon spikey hat!

Sometimes I feel the highstreet doesn’t give me that hit that I need (I sound like I am on drugs… I get my ‘hit’ when I find that individual item or piece that no-one else wants to wear! The whole point of IWANTYOURSTYLE is to appreciate the different ways people wear their clothes! …. Back to the point…. I went to Brick Lane on Sunday, I could easily say that its one of my favourite markets.

DSC02749I get excited when I see these little stores that people have set up to sell whatever they want, a majority of the stalls have some decent products wether that be street style arts…. a new t shirt designer….hand made cupcake (we will get to the food part later)…. jewellery…. weird sunglasses …. whatever you can imagine they have it… they even have a little antiques section with cake stands and gas masks from the war!

If you want to see something different this weekend I would recommend going, sometimes its refreshing to see something outside of the shop that isn’t generic and is pretty unique!


This jewellery stand was situated just facing Liverpool street near the restaurants, the hand made jewellery was designed by the man sitting on his little stool and the way he has visually merchandised his product made me want to buy some! Seriously I get excited about this kind of stuff…. I have a obsession with jewellery and after contemplating bringing out a brand I salute all these little stalls! DSC02750


These shoes are handmade in the UK… they are real leather and come in these cute colours! I came a few years ago and it looks like they are doing pretty well… the weather was a bit off so it wasn’t rammed like it normally is!

There were hundreds of little stores selling kitsch style jewellery, little ditsy necklaces and some even selling sterling silver!

This new T-shirt brand SE1 (Supreme Elements 1) had quite a few ‘statement’ t shirts with some interest slogans…. I couldn’t resist taking a photo! Check out their website DSC02779

This just made me laugh, after speaking to quite a few stalls this is what quite a few people do in their spare time! A majority of the t shirts are well prices starting from £20! DSC02777DSC02801DSC02780



The gas mask freaked out my cousin but I haven’t actually even seen one before (besides the pictures etc) … pretty cool stuff.. and yes this is part of their brand concept! DSC02778

The food…. where do I actually start….. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! We ate before we came and then we walked into the food section, literally every type of cuisine you can imagine… desserts… crepes…. sushi… chinese.. falalfel… polish… indian food… Pakistani…. steak…. everything! A little juicing bar… I got really excited and devoured about 3 cakes with the help of the family! I recommend that when you do come here …. be hungry!





I had such a random time and ended up buying these John Lennon look a like sunglasses with a metal gold frame…. looked pretty East London for me but I am sure I can style it out (well we hope)!


I can’t wait for the summer when the sun is shining and its great to spend an afternoon there… they have quite a few bars and about 50 curry restaurants! For more information check out their website! Hope you love the pictures and I can’t wait to street style some of these fashionistas!

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube! 



LFW Day 3! Street Style

I love LFW… all the fashion creatures crawl out of their cupboards and make their way to Somerset house…. Some may think they are being pretentious but I can’t get enough of them. Maybe I am bias but LFW has the best street style in the world!

You literally walk up to Somerset House, everyone who is anyone has a camera… flashes everywhere and people posing..’can I take a pic of you for my blog’….. swapping cards… networking!

It is the place to be, if you manage to pop past defiantly have a walk around and see if you are inspired!


Yes this is a man…. but he does look amazing!

Keep up to date and tweet me your street style pics @foofiefoo
