The Mehndi Party …..

Where do I even begin, I have been so busy the last week I haven’t been able to have hardly any Skeena time! I recently joined a gym because I want to get super fit and adapt my current lifestyle into an even healthier lifestyle! The wedding has all of a sudden arrived and I am excited, nervous, happy and sad all at the same time! I am so excited for the happy couple to be saying their religious vows and being blessed in the eyes of God. I am nervous because I have to keep it together and not cry (and ruin my make up)! My daddy will be missed and its all just happened so quickly! I am so excited to show you all what I am wearing.


(I did this myself)

If you are not from an Asian background a Mehndi party or henna party is a pre wedding party for girls where they celebrate everything with food, music, henna and it’s a bit of a giant party! My sister in law invited all her friends and we had a great time, I did my own henna but for my wedding (inshallah one day ….. he he ) I would like to get it done professionally! So back to the point, for the ladies party we all danced and ate and everyone wore bright colours! I decided to wear yellow and blue and mummy wore green!



Mummy looks great in this colour and her shoes are from New Look, she didn’t have a pair of silver shoes but she needed to buy some…. actually neither do I! I think its’s time to invest! DSC07047




My blue shoes are from Zara, it’s the first time I have worn them and I got them last year! I don’t like the whole matchy matchy colour thing sometimes but with asian outfits I don’t mind! This is just a casual party outfit, I can’t wait to show you the real wedding outfit! DSC07263

My sister in law looking amazing in yellow! I love the flowers around her wrist it’s beautiful! photo-23

I took quite a few selfies on the way to the party…. (standard as I am currently obsessed with instagram at the moment…) Check me on @iwantyourstyle photo-22

I ended up changing my outfit last minute as it got caught in the car and ripped! UHOH…. so had to do a last minute outfit change and ended up being late! Sorry Zara ha ha ! photo-21Tomorrow the following products will be my secret weapons to a flawless face! My benefit 15 hour primer will keep my face feeling fresh the whole day! The true match l’oreal conceler is my favourite and l’oreal eyeliner is super black! The pressed pigment looks like fairy dust!


Anyway my lovelies… I have been requested to do alot more motivational videos and fashion videos… any preferences? XO XO

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