Street Style London- Exclusive IWYS video

Finally it is here…… the first IWYS street style London video… my lovely friend Jamma and I ran up and down London to find the finest street style hotties in London! If you are involved in the video then firstly thank you…. you LOOK FAB! You stood out and yes …. I do want your style!

This first exclusive video focuses on what people are really wearing… how they are interpretting todays fashion … especially in London’s weather! We are a nation of fashionista’s and I salute anyone rocking their own style and standing out! We don’t want to be sheep wearing the same clothes… make a difference and try something new! If you are more of a ‘plain jane’ then try something new…. remember that the high street is your catwalk! Stand out…. dress how you feel! Sometimes I rock out in skinny jeans and converse and the next day I am head to toe in studs or neon… maybe not that extravagant but I love to make things my own! Don’t be bound by fashion trends…. do whatever you want to do and stand out!


Please share and spread the love on your facebook.. twitter… or whatever you want! Let’s appreciate street style …. we want to see what the nation is really wearing not models in a magazine!



This is just a sneak peek…. hope you love it!

Subscribe on youtube and the site to keep up to date !

Don’t forget think big to get big! I can’t wait for London Fashion Week… all the most stylist outraegous people in one location!

Do what you love……
