Peace through the world

I am on a journey and I am trying to  ‘find’ myself… whoever is reading this I am being totally honest and laying all my feeling on the line (or on the blog)! Trying to figure out your purpose or passion is one of the most exciting and scariest things in life… why am I here?

What message do I want to spread and what do I want to do with my life??? I know the basics….. I love fashion.. styling… talking and designing… love to paint and photography and I love to travel…. I want to live my life for me, do something I love everyday and enjoy my life! Life is too short to waste time doing something that doesn’t make you happy and surrounding yourself with negative people!

There are a lot of people in my life that are currently in a ‘transition’… this is a period in your life where you are working towards your goals and dream but are still trying to find the right path to get there! The boy is working towards his dream and I want to travel around the world and start working towards my dreams!

This week has been amazing, I have spent time with my family… had an amazing time with Annie and spent time with the boy in the upper east side 🙂 I have been taking so many pictures of the street art in NYC… possibly my new favourite city and who knows I might live here in the next few years?

The boy took me to Williamsburg (my new favourite place) …. it’s on the edge of Brooklyn and reminds me of a mix of Brick Lane’s Fashion/street art meets Canary Wharf with the most spectacular view! It’s one of my favourite places to go, the little restaurants are full of character and there are so many vintage and quirky record stores. Coming from London I know the highstreet pretty well so I want to see NYC culture, do as the real New Yorkers do and see and embrace the different vibes! The boy and I got the biggest slice of pizza in Williamsburg NOM NOM NOM!!


The other day Annie and I couldn’t resist having some pancakes as a treat, this is a cute little place called Cafeteria which is in Chelsea, it’s super yummy however we couldn’t finish it!DSC06666



The whole gang went bowling….. I have to say I was pretty impressed because I beat everyone (the boys esp Steve didn’t appreciate this)! Before we went bowling we went to the golf range on Chelsea Piers…. check out my Instagram to have a quick peek! DSC06796


We went out for dinner and we had 15 minutes to get ready so I rocked the hair up and decided to go for the simple yet elegant monochrome look!!

We has frozen yogurt at 16 flavours…. OH MY GAWD…. I had a party in my mouth…. I had birthday cake/cinnabon/mango/chocolate flavour…. with lots of gummy bears…I think when I get back to London I will be hitting the gym pretty hard! tumblr_mr1cwxcvWQ1rztvlzo1_1280

tumblr_mqxk1eavKj1rztvlzo1_1280My preetttyyyyyyyy new Stussy T-shirt… pretty and so cheap at $28! Woop Woop…. love investing in these pretty new things! I am in such a great place in my mind at the moment, I am happy, excited about the future… in love with someone amazing and have a great family! Thank you God….. I hope you find peace in your life through the world and religion!


(My bubz)

Hope you are all having an amazing time and enjoying life.. I will be back soon but just taking time to relax and enjoy life!

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New York City….. Fashionistas

This week I have been touring around New York City looking for new bits and bobs with my cousin and we went decided to venture to Brooklyn. When she first mentioned Brooklyn I was skeptical but she said I would like it, so we jumped on the subway and arrived in this ‘East London meets Portobello’ like area. Williamsburg is full of cute edgy restaurants, artwork, vintage shops and random street stalls.

Whenever I go to a new city I try to avoid the tourist areas so I can get a real feel for the city, I don’t want to visit H&M or Zara I want to find the cool vintage stores, eat in the niche restaurants and live like a local. So far my favourite areas in New York are the meatpacking district for restaurants and clubs, Soho for shops and Williamsburg for the fashionista lifestyle. The first thing I noticed when we got to Williamsburg were the amount of well dressed men and street art. I appreciate all different senses of style this side of town had its own cool edge about it, firstly I could see the sky because the buildings were not sky scrapers.


Watching someone create this master piece was so interesting, walking down the street we passed street stalls with jewellery, random books and people selling their old bits and bobs. IMG_2327


If you love art this is somewhere you need to visit, it’s full of life and street art was everywhere. We had a random photographer stop us to take our photo. I have a thing for street art and we found it on every corner. IMG_2322

Bone Thugs NYC was a cool street store that made little jumpers for dogs….. super cool and very random! IMG_2323






The street art was so colourful and inspirational, coming from London we don’t have enough bright coloured street art! Such bright popping colours and a great back drop for photo-shoots. IMG_2343


We walked into this random vintage store and found these two giant paintings… how funny are these?IMG_2347






I don’t think I want to live in London anymore… I think it’s time for a change…. you only live once….. NYC here I come!

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube!

Have an amazing day…and book your next holiday!
