A woman’s handbag… or the kitchen sink?

They say that it’s rude to open a women’s bag, this is because men will realise that we actually carry the entire kitchen sink but we cleverly  disguise it in a small fashionable bag! Over the years I have carried everything from antiseptic wipes, henna cones, hair dye, hot sauce and even a dummy (I don’t have children). So the question still remains what is in your bag? Is it weird and wonderful or practical and organised? I am a fan of putting everything I could possibly need for that my life adventures in one little bag, if someone attempted to steal my hand bag they could last a week off the goods inside, I have water, goji berries, jewellery, chocolate.. and more chocolate… plasters.. antiseptic gel spray…. gum….. socks…. perfume….oh and the wallet!

You can tell a lot about a woman from the contents inside her handbag, my handbag would be saying ‘please organise the mess’ and questioning why I have so much jewellery and a large selection of half stamped Nando’s cards?

Find out what’s in my handbag with my new youtube video …. 


I recently invested in a new perspex clutch and realised that every time I use this bag people can see ‘me’, so I had to downsize and have a bag within a bag! If you are a woman you will defiantly have a bag within a bag, maybe even carry one of those life bags? The new perspex clutch basically exposes my deepest darkest secrets so it is only used on special occasions!





Have an amazing day and don’t forget to subscribe on youtube, love us on Facebook and tumblr!

Wear your prettiest accessory … your smile!


Rihanna For River Island… LFW 2013

So ‘bad girl’ RIRI has finally crossed over to the dark side, welcome to the fashion world. Launching her first collection with River Island ….what were you expecting? I though this could initially go two ways be complete and utter tack or be the best thing since sliced bread.

I had a look at the collection this morning on the internet and was surprised by the reaction, the pieces are bright, cropped, edgy and daring. You have to have a Rihanna figure and attitude to pull these pieces off, the swim suits are WOW with a ‘baywatch’ high cut leg and I think I need to start investing in a decent fitness work out if I attempt to rock this on a night out! The shoes are amazing, this is something I will defiantly be buying, they are statement heels, big and in your face.

What do you think of the collection? Do you already love Rihanna’s style? I like the bright yellow and orange pieces and will be investing in them, I would love to rock the cropped tops but preferably with highwaisted skirts and trousers…. I’m not into showing my 6 pack (I wish)!


The shoes remind me of the Burberry collection last year, military chick but pretty ‘bad ass.’











What do you think? I would wear some pieces but wouldn’t style it differently, I love vibrant colours and head turning pieces but don’t like showing my stomach! What will you be buying?

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube! 


(Images from Grazia.co.uk)

How To Be A Kick Ass Diva

My mother is the strongest woman I know, she says it how it is and doesn’t take ‘shit’ from anyone.

She may be small but my goodness I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side off her. My mother has taught me many things… I could have graduated with a  personal shopping degree, out ‘talked’ anyone.. even Alan Carr and most importantly be true to myself. 

My mother is not one for sugar coating any thing if I’m in the wrong .. having a strop or my dress is a bit too tight she will tell me the truth! I love her more than anyone because as much as I can fight with her, ignore her and we could have a screaming match I could never ask for a better mum. a

My mother is not a ‘DIVA’ as such but I respect her for who she is and how she is… as a family we have lost a loved one so close that the thought of me typing these words give me goosebumps (and tears.)

I lost my father when I was 15, my gorgeous mum was only 43 (looked about 26) and my brother was a fresh faced 18 year old. Life kicked us in the teeth, we had our ups and downs as a family but most importantly my mother dealt with it. 

What I am trying to say is that my mum didn’t try and start a new life or bury her problems she faced them and has made me into the ‘super’ woman I am today. 

My mum tells me about my dad and when they first started dating… seriously do men like this even exist?? My father was an amazing husband and the best daddy I could ask for…..I miss him more than words could ever explain but know what I have had in those 15 years some people don’t get in a life time. Back in the day when they were dating and mobile phones didn’t exist.. the arranged a date! My mum was late because of work and buses…. she was 2 and a half hours late… any man would of left the restaurant… thought he would of been stood up and he waited and waited until she arrived. I have never met a man that is as decent as my father and when I do I will marry them …lol .. some people don’t know what they have until its gone! 

I believe that people come into your life for a reason, wether that is to teach you a lesson, break your heart…make you the happiest person…etc

If you take anything from this post here are a few tips from my mum:


If life is a bit shit right now or things are getting you down… don’t let it beat you… stand up (you can literally stand up if you want… no harm in a bit of exercise)….and carry on… No one like a moaner or someone who feels sorry for themselves.. this is YOUR life so live it the way YOU want it. 


Never take shit from any man….. unfortunately I had to learn the hard way…. you know they say your mother is always right…. as much as it killed me to say it a year ago its true! 

What I mean by ‘sh*t’ is losing your values, losing respect for yourself and letting someone walk all over you. I treat people the way I would like to be treated… not going to lie but my standards are pretty high…If I am nice to you the least you can do is be nice or civil back. 


Be real….. don’t bullshit yourself with excuses and he said she said rubbish… face the facts…. if he cheated he is likely to cheat again (a leopard never changes his spots)… if he hit you and then tried to say sorry… he will do it again! Don’t be afraid to walk away you deserve the best! 

Be real in every situation…. don’t just take it…EVERYONE has a choice… some people believe that they don’t but they have already made their choice. 


Be open minded…. don’t judge people if you don’t know them…. I am judged all the time… not sure why but even I judge others when they walk past me ,…. its natural! Point is don’t be a fool but accept everyone for how they are.. and yes first impressions really do count. 


RESPECT– yes Aretha said it … respect yourself ladies… in every sense of the word… wether that rejecting the friend who only calls you when she has nothing better to do … (not really a true friend) or standing up to the bully in your life… TAKE CONTROL ladies….. seriously you don’t want to be 70 racing around in your pimped our granny mobile wishing you would of gone on that girls holiday or accepted that once in a life time job.

The point I am really trying to make in this non fashion non beauty related blog is be true to yourself. I feel that so many people are so cold hearted… prime example some crazy lady started ranting at me on the train the other day for no reason… like NO REASON… swearing… did any one get involved? No

Listen ladies… and gents if you are reading this… you can paint your pretty smile with your lipstick and fix your hair … if you are not happy with whats going on make a change… wether is be a drastic change or little changes… be happy! Smile… you are amazing… never let ANYONE put you down and if someone isn’t appreciating how amazing you are then you need to walk away and stop wasting your time!

Life is so short… LIVE IT ! ENJOY IT …. three years ago I wrote down a list of all the careers I wanted to do … and all the things I wanted to learn. DO IT NOW… wether you want to work in a circus or become a doctor! Find your happiness within you…. if you are not happy with yourself you will never be able to find happiness in someone else… remember relationships are not to complete you but compliment you… bring out the best in you!

Assess your life, be happy, set goals and start working ladies!

Nobody said it was easy…. if it was it wouldn’t be worth having!



Are you a secret wonder woman? A beyonce in the making? A strong powerful creature who loves being herself…join the club!!

I love a strong role model…. i do love beyonce… mother theresa and YES …. SJP… but what do real woman of today stand for? Are you a Wonder Woman of 2011?

Some of my friends say I can talk for England ….. yes i do go on a bit but when I’m talking about ‘girl power’ i get a bit dramatic…. I hear about some of my friends who have had shitty boyfriends… or their date doesn’t turn up … or wait for it …  a boy calls them FAT when we all know the girl is about a size 8-10 and looks perfect. I have sort of morphed into this WONDER WOMAN inspirational speaker who tries to make sure all my lovely ladies know what they are worth!!

This post was suppose to be a bit inspirational but i might as well babble on…. here are a few tips of what i HAVE learnt over the year… from experience and my role models…

1) remember to love yourself …. and believe in YOU…. some women lack confidence in either the way they look or what they think.. Be strong… be proud and just go with the flow… even if you are wrong if you sound right people will end up believing you….
2)R-E-S-P-E-C-T- …yes ladies respect, there are many forms of respect but be true to yourself. Look after yourself and don’t rely on others.. like fergie said’ if you aint got no money take your broke ass home’ ——– this is referring to all the girls who go out of their way to go to a club and drink someone elses alcohol… if you cant afford to DIY don’t drink it!!( just saying).. and yes the other form of respect that i won’t go in to …
3)be your own ROLE MODEL…… be yourself… be nice and friendly and don’t ever become jealous of others.. if someone is doing better than you GOOD FOR THEM…. if you think big you will get there in the end…..
4)Know your true friends…… my mum always said you can count your best friends on one hand… this is very true… i have 2 of my besties moo and jam jam !!
5)love the ones that love you….. i hear so many stories about this bad guy and that bad guy… their are some nice guys out their so dont give up… and a man will only respect you if you respec yourself.. SO CHIN UP and know whats right and wrong.



ok i;ve babbled on for quite some time ladies.. more importantly the pictures that make me happy

RT if you like xxx

Alexander McQueen – Savage Beauty

So I was taking a little stroll past Harvey Nicks on Sunday and their window display is McQueens Savage Beauty… ( go and check it out if you havent already been)

Anyway I was shocked, it was beautiful…… I couldn’t believe my eyes! I am sad that we have lost such an amazing designer but his work will live on!!

As an up and coming designer myself I appreciate the time and effort it takes for someone to express themselves  through design….. if you appreciate the beauty of these pieces please forward it!




Remember live for the moment


I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern – wearing head-to-toe designer has become a bit passe. It’s a new era in fashion – there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.

– McQueen