Graduation Day 2012

Wow… I can’t believe I have finally graduated and I am no longer a student … the ceremony was emotional on so many different levels… firstly for the pressure of deadlines being lifted.. then the realisation that I am no longer a child (in my head I am  still 17)….. the fact that my amazing family celebrated with me and realising that now its my time to make my stamp on the world! I don’t normally get too emotional or ‘deep’ when I blog as I am normally painting my face a shade of beige or contouring my cheeks … but today I felt free like some sort of bird and a weight was lifted! One chapter ended and a new chapter started but this time I will be writing the story!


Sometimes we all take for granted how lucky we are to have a great family and trustworthy friends…. take me for example I can get so annoyed and emotional about things that don’t even matter in life… and this may sound cliche but life is about living and being happy! I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that Karma exists.

Today was a big mile stone in my life and it just makes you realise how precious life is! Smile …. be happy…… forget the people that made you sad or hurt you and learn the lessons…. live life like its your last day and keep pushing forward as you are in control of your destiny! Sometimes the most important people we love are not with us to share such memorable days but I believe that if they are no longer with us on this earth that when you think of them …. thats their way of telling them they are with you!





DSC01599I think everyone should take a step  back and reassess their lives..(it’s good to do this every once and a while)….. are we where we want to be ? If not… what can we do to change it! If you want something chase it…. think big to get your dreams and be happy! Do what you love and always put yourself and family first!

I can not stress enough how precious life is and surround yourself with good people, people that bring the best out in you!









Surround yourself with people you love…. I met two of my best friends the first day of university and 4 years later we are still together…. we have been through enough dramas between us to be on Jeremy Kyle….write a book on heart break……. create a survival guide of how to get goods grades at the last minute…….. memories are flooding back!



What I wore 

Zara Gold/black shoes

Zara Belt

Forever 21 black lace Dress (£22…..bargain)

Underskirt and tutu – Handmade in Liverpool


Make Up

MAC Studio Fix Foundation

Rimmel – Kate Moss- Shade 1 (my new fav lipstick)

Setting power- Collection 2000 (I prefer a loose setting powder)

Remember chase your dream… live your life and kick ass ladies….!!!

inspirational quotes (117)

Hopefully this little post has made you think about something on a deeper level….. have an amazing day and don’t forget to love us on facebook and subscribe on youtube!!






Bombshell Make Up!

So guys I have taken my love of beauty and make up to another level and decided to create a little youtube beauty channel…. so far I have kept you up to date with some of my latest tricks of ghd curls, leopard print eyes and the Skeena bun! This look is smokey plum eyes and deep ombre two tone lips! I hope you love this look and try it out! It’s really easy and is for a night on, I applied a heavier base as I needed it to last all night! Check it out and please subscribe if you like it 🙂

Also it’s amazing to see how much makeup can change the dimensions of your face, remember work with what you have and make up can enhance your features! The tricks on layering your foundation for an evening look and contouring and highlighting your face really do work!







The lashes are from Illamasqua and are AMAZING! I had to cut them to fit exactly as they were a bit too long for my eye! (Random but true)


Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.04 #2


I am wearing Mac Studio Fix foundation in NW25 and NC25 as I have both warm and cool undertones in my skin! The layering technique on this video really does help your foundation stay and remember THIN layers ladies! 4-up on 01-12-2012 at 19.08 #9

Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.08 #2

4-up on 01-12-2012 at 19.08 #5

Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.06 #5



I am wearing a mix of two lipliners from MAC, a darker purple one to outline and a brighter red in the middle with a Revlon Kate Moss number 1 lipstick on top! I have to say that the lipstick lasted all night and through a 3 course menu! I would definitely recommend covering your whole lips in lipliner before as if your lipstick comes off the liner will last for the rest of the day/evening!
Photo on 01-12-2012 at 19.17 #2


So I got a bit carried away and ended up posing in front of the camera…. but so what its all just a bit of fun hey! The T-shirt I’m wearing is from Topshop and is only £18! Bargainnnnn and my cute little necklace is from Forever 21!

Check out the video xxxx

Hope you love this and please subscribe or love us on facebook! 

Spread the love xxx

Quick question… what’s your favourite lipstick for this season?



It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas……

I can’t believe its nearly that time of year again, the christmas lights are already up on Oxford Street… the winter wardrobe is out and a majority of my friends have already bought presents! I however have none, we haven’t put the tree up yet and the only christmasy thing I have done is devour a mince pie from PRET! During this time there are so many parties to go to… it’s also super close to my birthday and New Years Eve and I need about 5 new dresses just to cover me for this month! ….. So what are we buying this season? It’s normally the same sparkly bits, embellished dresses, a touch of fur, a body con dress…. the usual! I however want something different! Something WOW… omg …. where is her dress from and why is it so amazing… I am yet to be dazzled by the current highstreet offer! Here are a few party dresses for this season that I would recommend ladies….. grab your purses and get-a-spending ladies! … I am giving you a guide of what you will need to buy for this party season!!!

1. The WOW dress…

I am still looking for the WOW …..o-m-g who is she dress! The head turner….. the dress that everyone wants but is still unique and looks amazing! I have been looking for a birthday outfit and found some of these beauties!

French Connection- The Sparkle Dress

Natalia Kaut- Red Ostrich Dress- £appointment 


Asos Black Leather Dress- £175

What do you think? I love the Natalia Kaut dress maybe for NYE… the black leather ASOS for a work party and the sparkly FCUK for a friends birthday!

2. Party Shoes

I have a thing for shoes… especially high one! For the past 6 years my favourite highstreet store has been Zara… the shoes are on point! It basically looks designer without the price tag, so elegant and well cut! The shoes are beautiful and last for a few seasons!

Miu Miu Swarovski Suede Pumps- £700

Alexandra McQueen Studded Leather and Suede Pump – £735

Jimmy Choo- Greta lamé-covered suede sandals- £695

I really want Santa to deliver me the Miu Miu ones, they are SO beautiful! The are high, sparkly, great shape in a navy blue! WOW!!! (Having a moment here)You can wear the MIU MIU shoes even in the summer with a cute skirt! ….I need these in my life!

3. Statement Coat

Ted Baker Gillet- £499



Zara Leopard print Coat- £129 (My next Purchase)

Reiss Goat Hair Coat- £1200 

All three coats are amazing… I have a thing for goat and mohair! I just think it looks amazing and remember its an investment piece! I think I will be investing in a Zara Coat this season! (Let’s add another one to the collection!)

4. Leather…. pleather…

Wether its leather or pleather it looks nice! You have to invest in some this season… maybe its a pair of leather trousers, a skirt…. jacket! Whatever it is… you should even try and accessories it with fur or add studs! It’s better to invest in leather as it will last longer!

MAJE-Rabotte leather-trimmed bouclé wool coat -£350

Acne Maroon Leather- £959 

Asos Patent Leather Top -£75

I will defiantly be investing in this little patent top! Maybe even the jacket.. i love this electric blue colour! Makes me want to dance… (not sure why but it does!)

5. Christmas Jumper

If you already have a christmas jumper then you don’t need to invest in another! This season I really really want an embarrassing christmas jumper that lights up, I think it would look fab especially if you can style it out!


How amazing is this jumper????

Currently my christmas jumper is a bright pink fluffy one from H&M! Don’t forget on the 14th of December its Christmas Jumper day!

6. The Big Blow Dry

Treat your hair this seasons ladies.. I hope you are looking after your locks in this terrible weather. Remember that your hair is more prone to being damaged and dry due to the cold weather! Why not get your locks glossed and curled at Hershesons Blow Dry bar, have you seen the new set up in Selfridges?

Book yourself an appointment for £25 now!

7.The Clutch

You will need a clutch that makes you want to show it off! Look at some of the goodies that I found! WOW



Warehouse- £26

I have found so many cute clutches on the highstreet this season! I love the Warehouse clutches and for only £26 such a bargain! Check it out here ladies! 

8. The Red Lips

This season add a bit of glamour to your curls and big statement coats with a dark red or bright red lipstick! Turn heads ladies!  Look classy, sophisticated and stand out from the crowd!


Have you tried Tom Ford lipstick?? Or maybe even try the YSL red… treat yourself this season ladies! You deserve it!! I have a cute YSL red lipstick but also have an amazing Kate Moss Revlon (shade 1)!

Ladies I hope you have found something interesting to buy and please let me know! I have started a new youtube channel! Please subscribe and love us on facebook! 


I wanted a Horse…….

I have always wanted a horse but after a weekend horse riding when I was 7 the family said no…. poor horse I would of named him some stupid name and braided his hair… most probably dip-dyed his tail or mane and be the only person with a pink horse in the UK…. well I didn’t get a horse … I wasn’t allowed and got a cat instead who was terrified off me… I am guessing this has something to do with me trying to dress her up when I was 8 and since then she runs every time she sees me… sad time!

Anyway I am drifting away from the point… yes I wanted a horse because I liked what horse riders wore… seriously thats pretty pathetic I know but I loved it!(remember I was 7)…. Today this outfit reminded me of wanting a horse… the boots … the equestrian style.. I love it… Everything I am wearing is from Zara… except the boots!

I have a thing for rings…. I literally pile them on! I have a thing for sparkly gems and armour jewellery! love love love!!

I love my big furry gillet from Zara … its so warm and fluffy! …. I will soon be street styling in London when it isn’t raining! Don’t forget to love us on facebook and subscribe to my beauty channel! 


GHD Big Curls & Natural make up

So I am trying to start up a youtube beauty channel and have created a ‘getting ready with me’ video! This look is a natural day make up with sexy big GHD curls. I have been asked by loads of my friends how I get my curls and when I tell them they are done with a straightener they are pretty shocked! Seriously it’s SO easy and it takes me about  5 minutes to do if I am in a rush! Check out this video and please subscribe if you have youtube!

Please subscribe and comment guys! Hope you like… and OMG you get to see me without make up ! EWWW


This is Furrrrtastic

I have become slightly obsessed with fur…. I want a massive fur coat that looks amazing and keeps me warm! I have been to a few vintage markets and found some cute pieces but I want some luxe.. something BAM something wow without getting paint thrown over me!

I do wear fur but it’s vintage & from my grandparents so I hope I haven’t offended anyone! (Basically don’t judge me ….) anyway I think fur looks amazing and styled correctly can literally make or break an outfit! Check out some of the inspirational Fur street style pics! If you really are against fur go for the faux fur option, it still looks pretty amazing!

I adore this patchwork coloured fur jacket, it looks amazing, its bright, popping, OUT THERE!

My favourite fur is mongolian fur it looks AMAZING, for some reason I want to cuddle it! haha yes that sounds crazy but so what!


If you want to find out about the latest fashion fur trends check this out.

Have you seen Zara’s beautiful new sheepskin jacket for £459.

I have a fur Gillet from Zara, I got it last year and its beautiful and in great condition. This winter I am looking to invest in some vintage fox fur and maybe another fur gilet! I found this amazing website for fur coats and gilets, check out Hockley London, they have amazing fur accessories and beautiful coats!

I found most of these images on Tumblr and welovefur , I hope you like this post, I was sceptical about posting about fur because I know a lot of people are against it! I only have vintage fur and have only bought vintage fur .. except my purchase from Zara which was sheepskin!


Don’t forget to love us on Facebook! 

Leopard Print Eyes

Oooooo so I have been banging on about this look for quite some time and I decided to create a youtube video on how to do it! You can wear this for the up and coming party season… on a night out.. round to your nans for tea.. whatever you want! It looks so nice and effective, you can wear it with a nude lip or even a bright red! Hope you like it guys and please leave comments and subscribe on youtube!

Check out the youtube video here!

Kim Kardashian .. the latest

I love Kim K and her sense of style has dramatically changed since she has been dating Kayne. Kim is looking more refined and sophisticated, she still looks like a doll but her style is now  minimalistic, classic with a lit bit of body con!

Kim K is know for her curves, hair, flawless make up and obivously her TV show! I have had so many people asking how to get the ‘kim k’ foundation look. Kim uses Giorgio Armani Foundation, she uses 3 different shades, her natural shade, one lighter to highlight and one darker to contour!

The Make Up

I LOVE the flawless makeup look especially for an evening look! I have tried this… check out the images below and try this out! Let me know what you think and I will be uploading a tutorial on it soon! Try individual eyelashes instead of a strip to get a more natural look! (I get mine from boots… eye lure)

Kim’s New Style

What do you think? Do you love or hate her new style? I have to admit that she does get it wrong sometimes but most of the time she looks fab! Her make up looks amazing and I love her style and hair!


Don’t forget to love us on facebook! 

The Twins are Back In Town

Life works in mysterious ways…. one door closes and five open! BOOM… the twins are back in town… double the style, double the make up and double the trouble …. (I can hear Pappa J sighing in the background)

Weekend madness… did you know the M&M store was open until 1am?? I didn’t… well we found out when we stumbled across it on our way to the Hagaan Daaz cafe! London is full of life, fun and most importantly FAMILY!

Bargaining for bracelets at Butler and Wilson to contouring cheek bones! Welcome to my world….

I am slightly obsessed with my new jacket from Zara…. it reminds me of hundred and thousand! So easy to wear and goes with everything… well i think it does anyway!

Studded Pumps – Zara £70 

Golden Pumps- Primark 

Floral Shirt- Primark

Jeans Jacket- Primark

So while bartering in Butler & Wilson for some new jewellery we bumped into the Queen … (well her double)!

New arm candy from Butler & Wilson £38!

Evil Eye bracelet- Accessorize

Spike Bracelet- Forever 21

Even this chain was a bit too bling for me!

South Molton Street- Twin land!

Our lovely new friend Rami!

Sometimes things happen when you least expect them too……

I would defiantly recommend a midnight stroll into the M&M store…

Hope you enjoyed double the trouble, style and sparkle!!