Why you mad…. it’s just a brand new kinda me…..

I have a saying that if you want something you have to get BIG you have to think BIG….. (that might not make sense to a lot of you but in mind it makes perfect sense)………I like to set myself goals….. I have no idea where I am going but I want to get there…..and when I do it will be amazing…… that may sound big headed to some but I don’t want to be the average Joe….. I want to be different, I have a personality.. I am ambitious…. I have a crazy imagination and CRAZY dreams! ….


I am at that age where I want to run before I can even walk!…. getting the drift! Quite a few months ago I had a life changing moment and I opened my eyes, changed my life and I am so happy! I got away from a bad bad situation and at the time I felt like I lost something…

Question yourself …. are you happy? If not why not? If so what makes you happy? Nobody is perfect and we can always better ourselves and be positive!

I have cut some very bad people out of my life, one person in particular and their bad views and opinions were affecting my judgement… and I am a STRONG women….. very strong minded  actually so If I don’t want to do something I won’t! …. but then they say sometimes you are blinded by some people and  the minute you cut off all the bad in your life… wether that is a bad friend,partner, dramatic college…. whatever it is you will notice the difference! 7 months ago I opened my eyes and started living my life, it may be hard to believe as I am nearly 24 and at the age of 16 I thought I knew everything (seriously I did)!

I enjoy not knowing whats going to happen but what I have learnt is to trust my own opinion, never doubt my instincts and always go with my gut feeling! I have a found a brand new me, I can’t stop smiling… and this has nothing to do with a boy…. or any lovey mush…. it’s the fact that I am in control of my own destiny! I literally feel free, if you have ever had a defining moment in your life, heartbreak, loosing a loved one or whatever your loss you have a lot of time to think! Sometimes too much time, I use to think I was my own worst enemy (well my thoughts anyway)! But after everything has happened I knew I was always right, you have that feeling inside of you telling you something…. go with it! Wether that feeling is telling you to travel the world, tell someone you love them, cut some off, grabbing your heart back from someone that isn’t appreciating you! Breaking down in tear….. letting off some steam! Whatever it is you ARE IN CONTROL of your future! So stop comparing yourself to everyone else and make your dreams a reality! I do it all the time, you can’t help it sometimes but you naturally compare yourself to others! Why? STOP it seriously.. we are all so different and the minute you compare is the minute you say you are like someone else… your’re not! You are you….. UNIQUE


They say you can tell a person by the company they keep… which is very very true! I however have a problem, I talk to everyone… literally can’t stop talking and I feel whoever I end up with will have to be a damn good listener and talk as much as I do or just be in awe of how fast I speak! Back to the point… you see this I keep drifting off the subject… I tend to do this a lot, I don’t do it on purpose it’s just the fact my head has so many different thoughts going on! It’s one crazy place inside of this cranium!


You will have about 5 true friends, the friends you tell anything too and you trust! They love you and will tell you the truth when you are in the wrong, friends like that are hard to find! All the other people are just acquaintances…. my problem is that I talk so much, trust too easily and care too much about people that are not worth caring about… sorry but its true!


The whole point of this is to motivate you to be the best you can be, you can write your own destiny and if one path doesn’t work try another! You attitude in life will differentiate you from others, be bold, be unique but be yourself! If you are more of a quite deep thinker and thats your comfort then do it! It’s coming up to my birthday and this month is such an emotional month in my life, I gain a year…. I compare myself to the last year and see what I have achieved…having lost a loved one I reflect! I reflect on my life plan which is now been thrown into a ball and all it says is LIVE LIFE… BE HAPPY B**** AND STOP STRESSING!


Are you one of those people that says you are going to do something but never does it? Don’t loose track of time, if you want to make something happen then just do it! If you don’t do it now you will always be waiting… waiting for the right time? How will you ever know it;s the right time?


Everyone started somewhere….. plant that little seed and watch it grow….. one plant…. two plants….. trees…. a forest!! Your imagination is your best friend, the best ability we have is to imagine and make those amazing images into a reality!



How are you feeling???

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I hope I have inspired you…… funnily enough my name means to inspire!

Thanks xx

It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas……

I can’t believe its nearly that time of year again, the christmas lights are already up on Oxford Street… the winter wardrobe is out and a majority of my friends have already bought presents! I however have none, we haven’t put the tree up yet and the only christmasy thing I have done is devour a mince pie from PRET! During this time there are so many parties to go to… it’s also super close to my birthday and New Years Eve and I need about 5 new dresses just to cover me for this month! ….. So what are we buying this season? It’s normally the same sparkly bits, embellished dresses, a touch of fur, a body con dress…. the usual! I however want something different! Something WOW… omg …. where is her dress from and why is it so amazing… I am yet to be dazzled by the current highstreet offer! Here are a few party dresses for this season that I would recommend ladies….. grab your purses and get-a-spending ladies! … I am giving you a guide of what you will need to buy for this party season!!!

1. The WOW dress…

I am still looking for the WOW …..o-m-g who is she dress! The head turner….. the dress that everyone wants but is still unique and looks amazing! I have been looking for a birthday outfit and found some of these beauties!

French Connection- The Sparkle Dress

Natalia Kaut- Red Ostrich Dress- £appointment 


Asos Black Leather Dress- £175

What do you think? I love the Natalia Kaut dress maybe for NYE… the black leather ASOS for a work party and the sparkly FCUK for a friends birthday!

2. Party Shoes

I have a thing for shoes… especially high one! For the past 6 years my favourite highstreet store has been Zara… the shoes are on point! It basically looks designer without the price tag, so elegant and well cut! The shoes are beautiful and last for a few seasons!

Miu Miu Swarovski Suede Pumps- £700

Alexandra McQueen Studded Leather and Suede Pump – £735

Jimmy Choo- Greta lamé-covered suede sandals- £695

I really want Santa to deliver me the Miu Miu ones, they are SO beautiful! The are high, sparkly, great shape in a navy blue! WOW!!! (Having a moment here)You can wear the MIU MIU shoes even in the summer with a cute skirt! ….I need these in my life!

3. Statement Coat

Ted Baker Gillet- £499



Zara Leopard print Coat- £129 (My next Purchase)

Reiss Goat Hair Coat- £1200 

All three coats are amazing… I have a thing for goat and mohair! I just think it looks amazing and remember its an investment piece! I think I will be investing in a Zara Coat this season! (Let’s add another one to the collection!)

4. Leather…. pleather…

Wether its leather or pleather it looks nice! You have to invest in some this season… maybe its a pair of leather trousers, a skirt…. jacket! Whatever it is… you should even try and accessories it with fur or add studs! It’s better to invest in leather as it will last longer!

MAJE-Rabotte leather-trimmed bouclé wool coat -£350

Acne Maroon Leather- £959 

Asos Patent Leather Top -£75

I will defiantly be investing in this little patent top! Maybe even the jacket.. i love this electric blue colour! Makes me want to dance… (not sure why but it does!)

5. Christmas Jumper

If you already have a christmas jumper then you don’t need to invest in another! This season I really really want an embarrassing christmas jumper that lights up, I think it would look fab especially if you can style it out!


How amazing is this jumper????

Currently my christmas jumper is a bright pink fluffy one from H&M! Don’t forget on the 14th of December its Christmas Jumper day!

6. The Big Blow Dry

Treat your hair this seasons ladies.. I hope you are looking after your locks in this terrible weather. Remember that your hair is more prone to being damaged and dry due to the cold weather! Why not get your locks glossed and curled at Hershesons Blow Dry bar, have you seen the new set up in Selfridges?

Book yourself an appointment for £25 now!

7.The Clutch

You will need a clutch that makes you want to show it off! Look at some of the goodies that I found! WOW



Warehouse- £26

I have found so many cute clutches on the highstreet this season! I love the Warehouse clutches and for only £26 such a bargain! Check it out here ladies! 

8. The Red Lips

This season add a bit of glamour to your curls and big statement coats with a dark red or bright red lipstick! Turn heads ladies!  Look classy, sophisticated and stand out from the crowd!


Have you tried Tom Ford lipstick?? Or maybe even try the YSL red… treat yourself this season ladies! You deserve it!! I have a cute YSL red lipstick but also have an amazing Kate Moss Revlon (shade 1)!

Ladies I hope you have found something interesting to buy and please let me know! I have started a new youtube channel! Please subscribe and love us on facebook! 


Katie Eary…. Shamazingggg

I am a big fan of up and coming designers and I think Katie Eary just keeps getting better and better. Katie first popped on the scene in 2010, her obsession with animal print is still dominant in her prints! Check out her next season collection and let me know what you think? Do you love it? Hate it? Need it right now? I personally love it!!

Katie has created these shaaaaamazing prints that make me want to jump up and down, grab some high waisted disco pants….. grab one of her t-shirts…..put my hair up in a sleek model-esh bun, dark lipstick… heels and WHAM … I am ready to strut my stuff!

FISHES, ELECTRIC BLUES, OCTOPUS …. SEA…. (check it out check it out)

What do you think? I am IN LOVE!! This has inspired me to wear double print and I think for SS13 I will be purchasing one of her swimsuits!

Check out her latest collection here and don’t forget to Love us on Facebook!  

Worth The Wait…

Last year I spotted a lady with some amazing rain boots, I think they were Givenchy or Jimmy Choo but I needed them! At that time in my life I was a student and it would of been ridiculous to justify spending that much money on rain boots… I have been thinking about  it for an obscene amount of time … excuse my language and finally I gave in! I had a look in a few stores and then I saw them…..(que the music)…..the people around me blurred out…. it was like I feel in love all over again! It might sound pathetic to some but I wanted them so badly and I have been thinking about this since AW11….. now thats saying something!

This was a very special treat from me to me! Don’t forget it nots what you wear its how you wear it! I shop in Primark, Matalan, Zara… wherever! If it looks good and is worth the price make the investment! Create your own style, don’t follow the trends interpret them and make them your own!

Can’t wait to wear these…. lots of street style and beauty bits coming soon!

Dont forget to love us on facebook!

And if you really love them buy them here!


Nail Caviar

OH MY GOD…. Becky

 LOOK AT HER………MANICURE…. its Amazing!

It’s the new nail addiction ladies…. bored of the same funky nail varnish? Done the stickers and want something new… try the new Ciate Caviar Nails… the only way I can describe this is imagine having 100’s and 1000’s all over your nails and making them look amazing!!

Currently Ciate have them in three colours, black pearl, rainbow and mother of pearl and they are £18, this comes with a nail varnish and a nail pot of pearls! Check them out here!


DIY-Why not try this yourself?

It’s not as hard as it looks…. firstly go to a bead shop or a craft store and look for the smallest beads you can find…I have checked some out on ebay and found 12 pots for only £7.


1) Don’t forget to use a clear base coat

2)If you are using the rainbow bead mix, paint each nail a different bright colour

3)Don’t forget to press and wait at least 15 minutes before your nails dry

4) Add clear nail varnish to the tip of your nails for a longer lasting manicure

Tweet me your pics @foofiefoo!!

I have just ordered my beads…. pics will be uploaded when I have received the beads!



The weather has been rubbish….. but hopefully everyone will be getting away to wear some lovely summer bits….

Number 1…. Virgos Lounge..

amazing yellow dress .. £95  www.virgoslounge.com 

Number 2: AQUA….

I can’t decide on one dress so get them all …

 £110 Manhattan Mini Aqua dress

amazing cloud maxi… with beautiful zip detail £165 wow!



Number 3….Topshop – freedom Jewellery

This beautiful little jewellery cape is only £35 and would look lovely over a strapless dress/top… keep it simple!


Number 4…Marc Jacobs tote

this amazing tote… is ON SALE ladies… only £145 reduced from £290… grab it on net-a-porter

Number 5-ZARA

really… I wish I could buy 90% of the clothes in there… they never disappoint and always looks amazing…

love love love this.. only my way now lol

Number 6… i keep craving cake yummy.. go buy yourself some:)



H & M spring summer 2012 collection

H & M always surprises me with their collections, they get better each season. This spring summer is all about pastels, prints and a sophisticated tailored look.

The collection is pretty, fresh and crisp colours with prints and silks.

Indulge in a few key pieces and it keep you on trend for this spring summer.

This is so easy to wear and creates such a fresh look. With a tan and popping lipstick this will look amazing.

My favourite dress from the collection is the bright neon green dress, with maximum volume and a sheer look … this is a must!

What do you think?Keep up to date with HnM and check out their website.

