Let’s just be happy…

IWANTYOURSTYLE is not just about fashion, street styling, beauty and make up but I have made the conscious decision to  invite  you  into my world.


It’s quite an overwhelming experience that I post my thoughts, pictures and discuss my emotions on the internet for anyone to read. I have no idea who is reading this or what their perception is off me, but for some reason it feels right and I love doing it.


I am not just a a shopaholic, I have a purpose in life and I never take myself too seriously! I don’t do things by halves, if you catch me laughing I will be in hysterics and if I am emotional I will be a mess. I could never put a front on or try to act a certain way, I can’t stand the obnxious fashionista’s who refuse to eat and judge me if my designer bag is last season. I own both Primark and Prada bits and will rock them at the same time, to me fashion is not what you wear it’s how you wear it. You could be dressed head to toe in Chanel and have zero personal style, please please please take your own perspective on fashion and wear whatever you think goes. Don’t be a sheep, make the trends and mix it up with your own personal twist!


I looked at my life today and realised for quite some time I haven’t actually been living, over a year I was just following the herd. I went to school, graduated with a good degree, got a job and now I am questioning all those decisions… is this it? Is this really what I want to do? I want to wake up every day creating something new, working towards my goals and making a difference in life and I find that at this moment in time my little blog and youtube gives me those opportunities. Are you happy with what you are do? Are you even living your life? I am at that point in my life where big chances are going to happen…. I am excited and nervous! EEEKKK


Keep your eyes peeled I have a new motivational and hair video up this week… street styling and a new haul will be on it’s way! Have an amazing day, don’t forget to check youtube, tumblr, instagram and facebook!



Live Your Life … it’s not a rehearsal

We spend so much time stressing about doing this and that … we forget to enjoy each day and to just live! Stop stressing… smile… laugh.. cry… scream… whatever it is but enjoy every moment! Absorb the world around you and explore something new! Do something new this week… stop procrastinating and just do! Nothing has to be perfect… forget the plan and just do! Don’t be scared… dive in head first and enjoy it… you may succeed … it might not go to plan but you would never know if you don’t try! Everything happens for a reason.. smile…… and kick sadness in the face!

Check out my amazing colourful weekend around London….. remember it’s not a rehearsal so go for it! Embrace everything!!!!!!







(my attempt at climbing a tree….. it didn’t really work!







(the boy tries to do a cartwheel… aww)tumblr_lno3upsz4A1qiikbto1_500







What I am wearing 

Zara green floral shirt

Zara Leather jacket

Zara green jeans

Black Converse













I have a really great motivational video that will be out this week…. check it out this week on youtube! Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and instagram!