Live Your Life … it’s not a rehearsal

We spend so much time stressing about doing this and that … we forget to enjoy each day and to just live! Stop stressing… smile… laugh.. cry… scream… whatever it is but enjoy every moment! Absorb the world around you and explore something new! Do something new this week… stop procrastinating and just do! Nothing has to be perfect… forget the plan and just do! Don’t be scared… dive in head first and enjoy it… you may succeed … it might not go to plan but you would never know if you don’t try! Everything happens for a reason.. smile…… and kick sadness in the face!

Check out my amazing colourful weekend around London….. remember it’s not a rehearsal so go for it! Embrace everything!!!!!!







(my attempt at climbing a tree….. it didn’t really work!







(the boy tries to do a cartwheel… aww)tumblr_lno3upsz4A1qiikbto1_500







What I am wearing 

Zara green floral shirt

Zara Leather jacket

Zara green jeans

Black Converse













I have a really great motivational video that will be out this week…. check it out this week on youtube! Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and instagram! 



Sunday Vibe

Sunday is my favourite day of the week… I wake up…. relax and have a ‘me’ day! My weekend was fab and I have had such a busy week I haven’t been able to blog… but hey it’s Sunday and I’m back! I am doing what I love and realising that life is about living!

Sometimes we get so caught up in speed of the city we don’t get to enjoy it, I went to Regents Park yesterday and got to enjoy the real wonders of the world…. (no shopping)… just time with  someone special and enjoying the world!!

When was the last time you walked around a park and actually enjoyed the landscape? My brain gets so caught in the city lifestyle I don’t look up at the sky or enjoy the natural world around me! This week go to a park and embrace the flowers, greenery, animals and take a day out to enjoy everything around you! Sometimes I stress over the smallest things in life when I realise how lucky I am to be healthy and be alive!






















It’s the little things that make everything better….. Live… laugh…. love and be happy! Remember your painting the picture and your writing your story!! Do what makes you happy and smile! I hope my pictures have inspired you…..!

Don’t forget to check out tumblr, Facebook, instagram and watch me on youtube! 

Thank you My Degani for your help!


Vogue Fashion’S Night Out

What an amazing night! Bond Street was booming, filled to the brim, music blaring with two live performances and a set from a live Jazz & Swing band. Missoni has an ice cream truck and Hersheson had it’s portable blow dry bar set up.

Queues of people for Jimmy Choo, D&G’s exclusive private event and many people mingling in Moschino. 

Bloggers invaded the streets, photographers everywhere, press and trend forecasters covering the most entertaining fashion event before the start of LFW. 

I met quite a few interesting characters last night, Kelly Brook looked lovely in her cream dress as she tottered past me on her way to the Missoni’s event. Pixie Lott was chilling in Moschino. Bumped into my lovely friend Neeko with his entourage showcasing his new collections of studded spiky rock glamour. 

Everyone was in high spirits, if you didn’t manage to go this year MAKE sure you go next year. I felt like I was at a street party and met so many different designers, bloggers and fashionistas. 

Forget the celeb spotting and street style fashion a variety of stores had promotions and competitions to win their luxury goods. 

Hersheson Blow Dry Bar on Wheels 

Street Style- Minimalistic black, embellished cardigan, wedge Ash trainers –

Voted 6/10 **Snaps**

Street Style 2: Love her head piece and printed dress **6/10**

Jameela Jamil Dj-ing in Longchamp- 7/10 Love her hat and make up! 

Street Style 3- Bold Blue Hair- How lovely does this lady look…. 9/10 for her hair! 

Street Style 4 – Darkwah Kyei-Darkwah- Designer ***WE LOVE THIS 9/10***

Street Style 5- Accessories Accessories Accessories- Don’t we just love her hat… she’s only 15 **Style Cutie** 6/10

Street Style 6- Love her outfit, wear with a cute black jacket and a pair of flats! 6/10 

Street Style 7- Purple Haze- I love this girls style, dip dye, head shaved and American Apparel trousers !! 6/10!!

Street Style 8- The most interesting outfit of the night! …….I love it …. 8/10 **Extra Fashion Points for a man wearing wedges**

Street Style 9- Bow Tie Bleach Brogues! I love this boys style, 8/10 **

Street Style 10- Bold and Bright…. this ladies jumper is currently in H&m £40 (i want this ) 8/10 

Street style 11- Accessorise much? I love this ladies style, bottle green, golden bib, embroider collar and the new coral Hermes bag! 9/10 ***WE LOVE***

Street style 12- Green Goddess…. interesting choice, this outfit is like marmite you either love it or hate it! She pulls it of pretty well! Love her Shoes and jacket. 7/10 

Street Style 13- Pastel meets Patterns- Effortless chick 7/10 

We bonded over our love of jewellery, check out his golden Collar… only £15! 

How lovely does Pixie look? So polite and we love her outfit! YAY 9/10 

Street Style 14- Up and coming fashion designer! Check out his jewellery! 8/10 **fashion forward** and yes we love your nose ring! 

Street Style 15- Gothic Glamour! Love her outfit and esp her ear cuff! Bring back gothic glamour 9/10**

Street style 16- Effortless Chic, amazing jacket, this little lady is setting up her own vintage brand and how amazing is her limited Edition Gucci bag? 9/10 ** 

Street Style 17- Neeko brand!! how amazing does this look… will keep you posted with his new collection soon! 9/10 *** WE LOVE **

Street Style 18- Sparkle Studs and Tartan…. how cool does she look? 9/10 **

Street Style 19- Best Dressed man of the night… smart luxe! 9/10 ** we love!!**

Street style 20- Best Dressed Fashionista …… WOW!!!! 10/10 ***

What an amazing evening!! So many street style pictures and amazing people! 


RT and comment for a chance to win a limited edition Vaseline Pink Bubbly  pot! 

Winners Revealed next Week!!